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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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About the siteWhy don’t many people like and appreciate simple easy for understanding texts? The matter is that the availability of statement means the following step - an action. The people unable to act according to theories, like very much complcated and subtle texts, as the very process of decoding of such text is seen by them as an action which they can be proud of. Therefore when we offer already a decoded text to such people we deprive them an ordinary energy feeding and as the consequence, such a text looses its value.
The purpose of
the site is integration. By habit many readers take some phrases
and sentences out of their
context and start to structure them. In this case the orientation for
integrity is absolutely lost, and it’s impossible to understand what
the author
meant. It’s like in well-known parable about the blind men who explored
elephant. Certainly it is necessary to learn the parts while learning
the whole
but if you don’t see this whole initially you may become like those
blind men
whom it took a long time to scan one elephant by touch and then another
elephant to find the laws out. But even in this case it is better for
expert in tails to join the expert in trunks for their further
integration. But
it can also be not enough. It would be nice to invite at least a
person in a group who could show the explorers a necessary object at
once. Then
the necessary sequence of learning of the world will be observed: the
view of the object, next the division into the components, next
learning of its
parts, then restoration of its integrity but now with the ability of
understanding and controling. Most of us are so accustomed to devide
into parts and to describe that we forget that all this should be done
for the further
integration. From here we have step-type behaviour of perception and
which results in the way we interact with each other. The enmity to a
becomes the main position. A man, in a context of learning the world,
is not
only an object of differentiation but he also makes an element in the
general picture
of the world. It’s very important not to forget about it during the
process of
learning. Otherwise you can go so deep in details that only one of your
hemispheres, the left one, will develop. Make a simple experiment: type in the internet
search boxes the following
key words at one time:
“development, psychotypes, consciousness, individual,
evolution, ego, motivation”, and you’ll see, that there is no site
where there
would be a strict coincidence, certainly
except for ours in Yandex. What does it mean? Each one works locally,
specializing, mastering only its
own part of the world conditioned by the belonging to the psychotype
and the
step of a personality growth scale. One explores consciousness, the
others explore
psychotypes, the third explores personality, the fourth explores dream,
the fifth
destroys ego. Someone is engaged in meditations, psychodelics, changing
state of consciousness. Someone masters the virtual computer worlds.
The list
can be continued endlessly. All these spiritual ways can be united by
unconscious motivation – as the search for impressions, the escape from
emptiness to compensate the insight of each person about the global
and inevitability of death, or in other words the fear of transition to
other larger levels of perception. The fifth way is it not a spiritual
way, this
is the way of honesty, honesty within oneself, irrespective of the
which this honesty causes. The knowledge about death is a pressure. A person reacts in two ways on this pressure. The first way is to counterbalance this pressure by endless intensifing of personal strength that is to develop. The second way is to escape behind the curtain of impressions and to live as an immortal being. Here you won’t find denying of any of these ways. Any way if it takes place on Earth can be included in the whole picture of the world, even the way of self-destruction. Understanding gives freedom. It is an axiom. Any understanding, if it has taken place is an energy transition from the local to the more whole, from a detail to a principle. The attempt to accept something or somebody without understanding leads to disharmony and desorientation within. Therefore I’ll pay little attention to details in the site, you can always find them in the internet. This site does not pretend to accuracy and professionalism of the detailed statement and it wasn’t its aim. Our aim is to show the possibility of integration of various currents in human research with the help of which perspectives of evolutionary transition during one human life are opened. Certainly if a person with prevailing activity of the left cerebral hemisphere will get to the site, the whole area for logic disintergration activity of the text is available for him. A seeker who initially searches for his own benefit everywhere can find here many unusual points of view and decisions. Certainly is it possible to add something new to that what was already told or written by Castaneda, Goodgiev, Radgnesh (Îsho), Rinpoche, Aurobindo, Lao-tsi, etc.? Here you won’t find anything absolutely new, here we explore only new, additional section of reality, a view from the tonal of our time. Here we don’t make an attempt to make the reader wonder at something new, the basic task, the same as that of the authors of other sites, is the search for the people with the same views, i.e. the people, to cooperate with which would give mutual benefit on the evolutionary ways. The text “The Brief Abstract of Lectures” has no certain sequence of statements and is put together from the fragments of speeches. Therefore, you sould regard it as a collection of topics which are be investigated and desclosed. All stated in the site is not a theory but the results of long-term practice and experiments in group as well as individual. The absence of the specific terms and too clever reasonings may jar on some very important persons. The simplicity and availability of the statement may seem primitive but it is done consciously. Our site is not focused on a rating. One of goals of the site is to swith on in a human being the self-preservation instinct- the mover of evolution and the autocatalyst of evolutionary processes. If the autocatalysis does not work then to speak about development is useless. It is impossible to make evolutionary transition based on just a interest or search for impressions in a changed state of consciousness. What is evolutionary transition for a human being? It is a skip on a new energy level of living with greater freedom. The first stage is the freedom from one’s self-importance or, which is the same, the destruction of ego, enlightenment, samadhi, loss of the human form, a way out of the social womb. The second stage is the freedom from dependence on a physical body, i.e. the formation of an energy body (the body of a dream according to Castaneda), the immortal embryo (in daosic yoga), the body of light (accordint to Dzogchen) and the transfer of consciousness together with the body into it. Only this way the opportunity opens for us, the people to not die in this physical body but to make a evolutionary transition which was done and is done by many human beings, if they succeed in switching on the self-preservation instinct. But this is not the road to immortal living but only a chance to get
a chance of avoiding death at a human stage. In the site you won’t find recommendations how to reach enlightenment at once or methods of immidiate coming to the changed state of consciousness. The offered way of final and irreversible transformation requires great effort. Besides the firm intention and initial, given by the Spirit, inherent desire to develop are necessary. The crave for life is a back side of the fear of death, it is based on the reproductive instinct and is not denied at all. The matter is in coordination only. If the crave for life is not counterbalanced by awareness of death (not by the fear but exactly awereness), then the disbalance to idleness always occurs. In the internet you can easily find a lot of the recommendations how to make your life richl and sensible. In this site the skew is consciously made in the direction of severe male's life having in its basis an objective and firm intention.
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