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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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Art of Prediction Control1. What is prediction 2. Personal strength What is predictionOnce again I remind to the reader that I’m not going to make a detailed examination here, I’m only going to show the directions for one’s own research. Only when understanding comes through one’s effort it becomes a part of you and gets in the pool of personal strength. What is prediction? As we know, animals are two-dimensional beings – they have no frontal lobes, therefore here it is possible to speak only about rudiments of the prediction and intellect Humans have brain advanced frontal lobes, their intellect works well and there is already an opportunity to start developing consciousness. We don’t have to think of volumetric perception, we always know what distance is toward an object only after having a look at it. Prediction works automatically. In the same way, automatically, we try walking in someone’s shoes just looking at him. We do it all the time. Here come all problems. The claims to each other: why he is not my type of a person, I wouldn’t have done it, why he cannot understand it, etc. A man can’t help trying walking in someone’s shoes. On the one hand, it’s good to have this ability, you can feel other person’s pain, be of help to him On the other hand, there are many problems concerning misunderstanding. For example, it is difficult to understand such popular wisdom: no good deed escapes punishment. The greatest difficulties arise when people with different levels of consciousness live close to each other. The art of prediction contorl is an ability at the right moment either try walking in someone’s shoes or not to try walking in someone’s shoes, both at real meeting with another person and simulating in consciousness the images connected to this person. This subject is especially urgent for introverts (left internals and right internals).
Predicning is the ability of our human biocomputer to simulate in consciousness certain abstract images and to perceive them as reality. The evolutionary beginning of such ability was already explored (see theory of evolution). Prediction is that what makes a human being with the help which there is consciousness. Only then a human baby becomes a human when his prediction begins to work and an old man ceases to be a human when his prediction is switched off. The ability to simulate in consciousness images enables one to understand the nature of what’s happening, to find principles and laws and, as a consequence, to master the outer world much faster. But there is also a negative role of prediction in human life. It’s all possible variants of suffering, indulging as a result of wrong prediction. Everyone who during self-identification reaches the moment when it is necessary to stop predicting and to begin perceiving another person he is now, meets a problem - how to displace all previous knowledge of him? The consequence of the previous problem is another similar problem: how to stop the flow of associations connected to this concrete person? The case is that the internal life of any man is almost up to a limit full of images from the past and predictions for the future. How to get rid of this predicting which has no force any more in a person advanced enough with his own awareness? How to learn not to try walking in someone’s shoes? As in his associations a man makes a start from the known, it is natural tha, when predicting actions of another man he needs to put itself in someone’s shoes. It is logically clear that the adequacy of the manipulation like this is justified only in the case that this is a person of your psychotype and your consciousness level. In all other cases to do it is absurdity. Certainly, to perceive a stranger without a certain pattern is difficult, it is still more difficult to perceive a well-known person as a stranger. But if one sees and understands the principles, the absurdity and the inaccuracy of one’s previous acts, one has nothing to do but to retun to more right and energetically favourable world perception, even if it’s more difficult in the beginning of development. So, let’s define the tasks: - To learn how to stop a flow of associations. - To learn how not to try walking in someone’s shoes.
As always, it is necessary to begin with understanding how a person gets energy, creating associative images. A person lives in his world of abstract reality or, as they say now, in the virtual world a very rich life. Dreams and imagination, erotic fantasies, modeling and expiriencing of various situations, games of chance, predicting of results, reading of books, Russian “may be”, images of food, etc. - all this is uncontrollable work of figurative thinking, all this is the chemistry of energy processes in our bodies which causes certain sensations. Hence we have reflectory dependence on geting these sensations. Such way of reception of impression and emotional energy is especially urgent for the people who have lost contact with the society for some reason and who lead a secluded life. The nature of human mentality is such that a human is afraid to stay in emptiness. A man escaping emptiness, must fill himself with something all the time. Here works the system of mental self-defense. With the lack of external impressions, with absence of external activity compensation is made by internal simulated situations and frequently in a hyperactual form. That’s why we have fears and phobias. There’s one way out for all occasions as always - to accumulate personal strength and to accend the steps of personality growth. Personal strength allows to start the process of awareness which also changes the chemistry of a body and this will be a real compensation for lack of impressions. But it’s in theory. At the initial stage awareness of one’s belonging to a certain psychotype can bring relative freedom from the excessive predicting. Such understanding helps by an act of will to redirect a habitual flow of predicting into a right channel and, besides it gives a theoretical basis for training how not to try walking in someone’s shoes.
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