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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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The Usual Way of Time Perception is the Reason for Wars on the PlanetWe know that the past and the future exist only in our figurative thinking. The present could not be measured by anything and so it is impossible. Hands of a clock move in space but show time – isn’t it a paradox? One’s body is a part of space. Awareness of the linear sizes of our own bodies allows us to operate with the space concept. Doesn’t it mean that time begins with consciousness simultaneously and space begins with a body? We can remember situations in our lives when our consciousness changed, our perception of time disappeared or changed but we cannot remember situations or do a mental experiment in which our own bodies disappear. So, it seems to us that space is something more stable and tangible than time. What is time? For a man, i.e. a being which has the ability to operate time concept and has consciousness, time is a unit of measurement of event length. If there are no impressions there is no time too. If there’s is a lot of impressions – the density of events grows, time slows down its running. If the impressions (events) are not enough - time accelerates its running. When a man dies his subjective and physical time are united and are compressed up to a point, in which the speed of time running is indefinitely high. If suddenly there is a perceiving subject (not necessarily on the planet Earth), he pushes apart the frameworks of physical time existing initially in a point, and takes root in a casual place in time and space, thus transforming a part of physical time into his biological (subjective) time and a part of physical space into his body. Consciousness allows us to stretch spatial-temporary borders for a short period of our own lives, by pushing apart the frameworks of primary collapse in which the Universe stays. Subjective time and physical time
It seems to us that physical time exists irrespective of us, the ones who perceive. It’s time to stop the eternal disputes about primacy of the objective or the subjective. An object and a subject is the same thing, just as time and space. Let's do a mental experiment. Let's take the process of fading of a certain subject, i.e. aging and death. Everyone knows how quickly time flies within old people when there are failures between impressions, i.e. we see obvious acceleration of time running and after death their subjective time collapses. It happens to each of us. Let's remember our childhood. When, suddenly, together with process of self-awareness the amount of impressions received during a day increases hugely and it becomes a continuous process, a year lasts almost for eternity, i.e. it seemed as though during one unit of physical time there were several units of subjective time. It means the throughput of our own perception was in its maximum point. Many people can remember for sure how slowly time flows diring the short sleep phase. Those who experimented with sleeping know that during some minutes of physical time it is possible to live the whole life in a dream, and then when you’re awaken you’re surprised – only several minutes went by. We can remember the well-known facts about pulling apart the frameworks of physical time in stressful situations or before probability of death, when during some seconds all events of previous life are shown in consciousness, when soldiers can percieve bombshell explosion during the stretched temporary interval, noticing how its splinters are flying off. We can continue a logic chain and imagine that if one increases the speed of conscious events infinitely it is possible to stop time. The trap for our understanding is that we know the clock ticks irrespective of whether we’re in exalted state of love or whether we are drunk in intoxication. All the same it is impossible to speed up or to slow down the running of external clock. That’s why people have chosen external clocks to be a reference point. If we make ourselves or internal clock a reference point it turns out that we observed repeatedly delay or acceleration of subjective time running during own lives. Events go away through us and we perceive time as the sum of the realized periods of event durations. If there are no events, there is no time too, as in coma. Events happen in space-time and are perceived and fixed by consciousness-body. Thus, Time, Space, Consciousness and Body are inseparable things and, as a matter of fact, all are similar things. The standard formulation: “A man is an open system which is carrying out a continuous flow of feedback with environment, in which it lives and not only at the physiology level but also at the consciousness level”. This formulation bewilders us all the time. The implication of this formulation is such: there is one main thing – that’s a man, and there is a minor thing – that’s the environment and the environment is necessary for a man as a means and not other way around. And if we look more deeply it is necessary to take into account the obvious concept: a man or what we perceive as “a man” is only a membrane dividing environments with different entropy levels. And from human point of view a membrane is not only a skin covering – a physical membrane but also a virtual membrane – an emotional, rational and conscious one. The fluctuations of a membrane at all the levels cause in us sensations of our own living. We can influence a membrane from within - figurative thinking, inner dialogue, etc. and as well as from outside – the whole set of external life influences, stimulating sensation. (we know that we can cause a burn on skin by both autohyonosis and by a heated thing). Attempts to stop membrane fluctuations - sensory deprivation from outside and switching-off of inner dialogue from inside - cause various mystical experiences. Hence, there is an outside of a man – the outer World and there is an inside– the body-consciousness. Counterbalancing the external and internal pressure to a membrane with our own effort is harmony in theory. In practice it’s not so easy. But that’s already another topic.
Why is it so easy to imagine that the environment can exist without us but we cannot exist without the environment? We are bewildered by the fact that if someone dies the world remains and continues its living. We cannot imagine absence of own existance there are so many full-featured theories concerning one separate consciousness or time or an event. Of cause, I fully understand that in order to learn the whole we need to learn its parts. But in such type of learning there is a fine point – when learning the external part it is necessary to stop it for some time and to turn to another part, the internal one. If we don’t do it then learning of the particular absorbs you emotionally and it turns into an end instead of a means. So, for example, making deep theories about the Space structure which are not based on sufficient self-understanding leads to hyperdevelopment and to a skew in perception. Time and space begin and exist together with the subject, and whereas the subject comes from nowhere, it can appear in any point of space-time, where there are necessary conditions. If we accept the concept that both time and space and consciousness callapse in a point together with the death of a subject, i.e. by way of the destruction of its membrane , i.e. all exist simultaneously, all events in the Universe occur at one moment, there’s no past, no present, no future, it is possible to assume that man’s birth occurs in an arbitrary fashion in any place of space-time, and not just in ours, in which we exist. We can assume that if a subject manages to pull out his consciousness-body by his own effort from that point of space-time in which he lives, after transformating and disappearing for an external observer, accordingly he can take root into another point of space-time where there are suitable conditions for it and continue his living there. Great Explosion
The Great Explosion and formation of the Universe should be
considered as a whole. The Explosion and formation of one’s
external part and the Explosion and formation of one’s internal part. There’s a mess when the reasonings about the Universe are made
separately from one’s own existence. If one accepts the axiom “A man is
a membrane dividing the environments with different entropy levels” as
a base then such statements as: - The universe exists only in our perception or - The universe exists beyond our perception, become absurd. When a membrane (of a man) begins to appear and there comes the division of two environments into the one which is more orderly and the one which is less orderly, then the very Great Explosion happens. Space and time move apart with great speed, and there begins Universe and Consciousness. With beginning of consciousness a man can have three reference
of his own existence – the objective primacy, the subjective primacy
and the primacy of a membrane, the border between an object and a
subject in general which allows us to begin thinking about these
things. Such man is already capable of changing his reference system
and considering the existence time of the Universe as his own existence
time. The membrane theory of existence which allows to see the unity of
objective and the subjective, allows also to interchange primary clocks
in an arbitrary fashion, just as required. If one makes one’s internal
clock primary, the description of the world begins to change. First of
all, one begins to realize that the time of the Universe existence is
conditioned by one’s life. The value of one’s life grows enormously. If all of us were brought up according to this theory it is possible
assume that there would be no wars on the Earth. Certainly, if two civilizations with internal and with external time
readout met, the winner would be the last one, these things happened in
the times of the Great Conquests. The ability of people to kill each other is incorporated in
methods based on the theory of objective primacy, i.e. a man dies but
the world stays living. If everyone knew that with one’s own death the
life of the universe came to an end, there would be hardly anyone who
killed another person. Every person puts himself in another’s shoes
unconsciously, so the only one who is ready to die can kill another
one. By the way, all wars, mass murders and death are based on the
theory of objective primacy, on the desire to save the World, when one
is sacrifising oneself or killing others. Certainly, the theory of
subjective primacy is also lop-sided but in practice it would allow
people to appreciate each other. Murder films would disappear from
screens, and in general the world would become more kind-hearted.
People would be engaged in their own development purposefully and they
would seek the ways and means to accelerate the evolution of their own
Universe. The idea to save the World which is going on outside becomes absurd. It is possible to save the World only if there’s an idea in people of purposeful subjective primacy, i.e. it is possible to save the World only through saving yourself instead of sacrifising yourself.
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