Why does during his growing a child choose to develop in this or that
During the first six month or a year the images or the
gestalts of people who are to be most significant in thõir lives
and he has a desire to imitate them all period of unconscious life.
This subject can be diccussed more in detail, we can remember a birth
injury, explore how the pregnancy was running, etc., but this is not
important for us now. The matter is that we have to understand how the
basic imitating directions are formed to learn how to define easily (to
see) who you face.
The life period from one's birth till the age of 3-4 years is
the most important for formation of a basic psychotype direction, the
directions which compensates the psychological trauma, which was caused
or is being caused by these important people. As computerniks say
there's weaving programming and the fixation of this program in a body
trough a chemical process.
All of us know how important it's for a child to learn to
walk, to speak, to understand in time. If the time is wasted it is
practically impossible to learn all this, since at this age period the
development is fixed by chemical processes. For example, the breast
feeding process is very important: o'clock or as a baby cries. Think
what orientation is formed in a child's mentality in first and second
Ther are 4 basic programmings which determine a psychotype
development direction. In brief it is like this:
1. Treachery on the part of parents forms a left internal
person (intuitioners).
2. Injustice forms a left external person (ethicists).
3. Restriction of actions foms a right internal person
4. Abandonness forms a right external person (sensers).
Here's the story of a girl (left internal) how her basic
programming was formed:
When I was 3 years old I saw in my aunt's garden very
beautiful white flowers (I didn't know yet that they were strawberry
blossoms). I picked them all up and filled with joy I ran to give them
to my dear mummy. But my mum wasn't somewhat delighted, she became
pale, took tightly my little hand in which there was still her bunch of
flowers which she didn't take and she led me into my aunt's house. Then
there was Óa trialÔ, I was surrounded by the adult
relatives who began to curse me and teach me. And my mum stood aside,
noded her head in agreement and apologized sometimes. So I was betrayed
by my own mother.
The story of an right internal girl :
Once we were cleaning our well, everything was funny and
joyful. I was tied to a bench in order not to fall down into the hole
but I wasn't going to get there.
Or another situation when my mother stitched something and I
also wanted to stitch very much. I asked for all necessary things. I
was given a small piece of cloth and a thread but I wasn't given a
needle. It was absolutely clear to me you couldn't do anything without
a needle.
The story of a external left person:
In early days of my childhood I made friends with one guy in
our yard, he was 10 years my senior. One morning I went to the court
and I saw that my friend was going somewhere and was putting something
in large bags. When I asked him he said that he was going on war for a
long time and there were pistols in his bags. I became very sad and
because I was going to be left alone. I told this to my family with
tears in my eyes. They laughed at me but I knew my friend couldn't tell
me such lies. In the evening it became known that he went to plant
potatoes and when he found out that I was so easily impressed he
laughed together with all and boasted that I loved him more than the
rest. After that occasion our friendship soon came to an end.
After the basic programmings are set a child begins to form
his body according to the programming. We all saw how movements and the
face of the person changes who has suffered from stress, it can change
so much that you can hardly recognize him but if it's a grown-up person
this doesn't last long.
For a 1-4 year-old- child such stresses will be not only
stresses but also programmings according to which his body will be
formed. The life period up to the age of 9-10 years is characterised by
formation of subtypes which each basic type is divided into. The
formation takes place in the environment similar to oneself.
The basic types were formed through the self-preservation
instinct but a subtype is formed through the reproductive instinct
which at that time begins its rapid activation.
Children don't want to be as they are any more they try to
look like others, like those whom they consider better than themselves.
Here also one direction is prevailing.
For convenience we can define the psychotypes like this
Right internal with left internal deviation.
Left external with right internal deviation, etc.
There are 16 variants.
But in practice to use (to define) four basic types is enough.
It becomes clear why all seekers think they are naguals.
During formation each basic psychotype tries to have all qualities of
missing psychotypes and developes them to some extent. Therefore, if
one starts to test one's belonging to any psychotype, it often seems to
him that he has features of all psychotypes at the same time, i.e. one
basic and three imitating (false).
The way to oneself is to get rid of false personalities, which
are not what we are (see. Gougiev). But as you can see it's very
difficult to survive in this world with a pure basic psychotype if you
are alone. Only those people can afford it who live in a family or a
community under circumstances, where they are supplemented and where
other psychotypes cooperate with them.
It is necessary to have courage to admit to yourself that
you're not a nagual and being single you won't achieve anything.
NAGUAL is a social structure built of 4 psychotypes.
Certainly, you can meet people with 4 psychotypes features very seldom,
but the formation of such structure goes under other laws, and we're
not going to explore it now.
It is much easier to know th ropes of the psychotypes and of
oneself, if there is understanding of how we were formed.
Not long time ago a popular science ÓsocionicsÔ
emerged and many psychologists rushed to divide all people into 16
psychotypes, very often judging people's behaviour on the basis of
surface interaction with the world, i.e. imitating level, besides the
testing at a level of questionnaires became popular.
If you consider all these 16 psychotypes linearly and try to
describe them consistently, there is a mess, it's difficult to catch
To check up the correctness of results is impossible; they
connot be identified with anything therefore there's such lack of
coordination in definitions. If you understand how the psychotypes
appeared and were formed it becomes clear that it is impossible to
define a personality type by any tests. Here the skills of a
psychologist or a socionicist work only who has already structured his
personality, become aware of his psychotype and who can simply see whom
he faces without bias, as we all can see who we meet: a man or a woman.
No tests will have objective results, because the answers reflect what
the person thinks of what he is but not what he is.
By a formal approach to psychotypes classification it's very
difficult, for example to see phlegmatic person by his nature (right
internal) behind a mask of impulsive displays, behind the emotional and
There are also many cases when external phlegmatism in its
displays hides its left external nature (choleric), and a saguine
person in its displays appears to be phlegmatic (right internal) by
The art of a psychologist or a socionicist should be displayed
in ebserving a human nature of a person behind its imitating
developments and displays.
Therefore, it is offered to work not with 16 psychotypes as
socionicists do but with four basic, main psychotypes. It makes the
understanding of a human nature more easy and as a consequence they are
able to give a psychological help.
The infinite disputes concerning variants of psychotypes
classification and their accuracy can be stopped for ever, if the
accuracy criterion and a test of one's ability will become group
Only when an end (the psychotypes classification) starts to
work as a means for group gathering, finally it is possible to define
the accuracy of classification.
The group should consist of four or eight persons gathered by
the rule of complementarity and levels of consciousness need to be
taken into account.
For example: 4 basic male psychotypes and / or 4 basic female
And this group should not be at to-have-fun level but it must
be the group gathered for a serious business of some kind, such as
extreme expedition or for business partnership. And through group
activity results it'll be possible to judge one's self-professionalism.
Certainly, it's an ideal variant and it's difficult to achieve
it but such experience will be preciousfor a professional psychoanalyst
or a socionist.
A basic psychotype belongs to personality (emittance). The
subtypes belongs to ego.
There is a science called physiognomics. Physiognomists try to
tell somebody's fortune through the forms of a nose, ears, lips etc.
Many people are sceptical about this. But if one looks as a whole at
it, understooding how personality features are formed through base
programmings, it becomes clear why there is such opportunity -, it is
possible to see if not his destiny but characteristic features of the
personality by his face, organization of body, his gait. And
people work in this direction.
Why do all cats of same breed and same sex look alike? They
don't have children's injuring situations. Try to make experiment and
tease a kitten, for example, giving it milk and attaching a clothes pin
to its tail simultaneously or carry out other educational measures
in which fear and pleasure are caused simultaneously, or by the same
person.In 2-3 months you'll find out experimental kitten will unlike
than check experimental ones.
It takes place constantly in human families: a child doesn't
know how to react to his mother's hand reaching his, is she going to
hit him or to caress?
This subject can be dicussed on and on but we have other tasks.

Introduction into the art of
psychotype definition
The ability to define precisely a person's belonging to this or that
psychotype is based much more on experience than on logic knowledge.
The analogy can be such how each adult can tell whom he meets: a man or
a woman. For this purpose it is completely unnecessary to carry out a
long research or to look into a man's underwear (even when a person
simulates his belonging to the opposite sex). The skills come with
experience, like a child which gradually begins to distinguish between
a man and a woman. The difficulty of psychotype definition rests only
on the fact that when a man grows up he ceases to learn but begins to
study, i.e. he perceives out ward things not through his body but
through his mind, passes from continuous perception to discrete one
what makes structuring process easier but doesn't give opportunities to
perceive as a whole.
Every person, living in the society, has to simulate his
belonging to other psychotypes to a greater or lesser extent. The
necessity to play complex social roles and to meet certain public
standards forces the person to develop a habit and to behave so that
his primary psychotype gets covered by a new "cultural layers" more and
more and it is impossible for logic perception. The person becomes
protected to some degree but loses the ability to develop and to come
over to other perception levels, since all energy is used for
maintenance of an image.
To define a person's psychotype is possible, first of all
throug noticing his uncontrollable, natural displays: gestures, body
movements, voice timbre, reaction to outer signals and through many
other things. You should take into account not what the person wants to
present as his image but those insignificant image distortions which
break through the well trained voice, controlled facial expression,
trained gait, emotions given out in doses. In order to notice these
microdisplays of natural manner in another person a man should be very
attentive and though it's strange enough, he must be attentive first of
all to himself. In some teachings this attention fixation is refered to
as "to remember yourself" or "to be in the moment".
The art of psychotype definition is based on the art of right
fixation of attention.
The transition from auto perception of people through their
sexual attributes to the same natural perception of a person through
his belonging to a concrete psychotype and to a certain level of
personality development is an evolutionary step in consciousness
development. Such a step can help to transfer a personality to a new
development level. The changes in perception can be compared to transition
from the state of intoxication into the state of sobriety. Thus the
speed of feedback with the outworld world becomes higher, a man becomes
more adapted to the society
To make such a transition, it is not enough just to learn
psychotypes. It is necessary to learn oneself, soberly and honestly
evaluating one's own level, taking away thus a part of energy from the
reproductive instinct and adding it to the self-preservation instinct.
In socionics the imitating developed personality qualities are
regarded not as acquired and therefore temporary but as basic and
besides personalities are not divided according to development levels.
Because of it there is no fullness of perception of a concrete person,
and refering to a certain type takes place linearly. It is the main
reason for differences between various socionic schools. The
personality vision of a founder of this or that school depends on what
personality level he has and what basic psychotype he belongs to. But
as long as a person is alive, his personality is in dynamics: it either
evolute, or degrade, or simulates but it's never in rest.
In order to define a certain type soberly and without bias, at
this moment the one who does it must place himself in a point, where he
does not belong neither to any sex, nor to any psychotype, where there
is no pity for himself, and where motivation is not self-assertion but
You may have noticed all socionicists offering techniques of
typing speak only about their technique and their methods but they say
nothing about their own perception and methods of its development for
some reason.
But the awareness of mortality allows a man either to develop,
making personality growth, or to collapse, developing systems of
psychological protection from this knowledge. Leo Tolstoy wrote:
"Everything a man does during his life is done by him not to hear the
breath of death which is coming near". But the one who hears the breath
of death is capable of evolving, he hasn't just got a choice. And one
of steps on a evolution way is the ability to perceive people not only
through their sexual attributes, but also through their belonging to
one of 4 basic unchangable psychotypes, with dynamical imitating
features which were borrowed from other psychotypes, and evaluating
simultaneously the level of personal strength which is the main
indicator of belonging to a certain personality development level.
It is necessary to note when passing over to more detailed
psychotype description in northern countries there are representatives
of right external and right internal psychotypes most frequently, less
often left external psychotype are met and still more rare are left
internal psychotype. And if the amount of the "right" men and women is
approximately the same, among people "left" men are more than women.
Both the greater number of right psychotype people and the
rarity of women of left psychotypes are caused by necessity of a
survival of the siciety: if a certain psychotype can keep and impart
rules and norms of social life on next generations more effectively,
more people of this psychotype are needed by the society. Natural
self-regulation takes place, it's similar to as in pre-war and war
years more boys are naturally born and in peace time more girls are
In the countries located closer to the equator where it's
easier to survive, the left psychotypes representatives prevail, i.e.
those who are guided by feelings and desires in greater extent, instead
of traditions and duties as the right psychotype people are.
The characteristics of 4 basic psychotypes will be given
below. Yes, they are only 4, instead of dozens as it may seem. To see
that it's necessary to look not at the consequences but at initial
causes, i.e. to reveal principles uniting the people with different
imitating skills into one basic psychotype. A person's self- importance
forces one to make his image complicated which doesn't correspond to
the "basic psychotype" concept. From childhood in our world description
there is no ranking of people around us according to 1/4, we identify
ourselves only with "halves" - boys or girls. But if the people cannot
often find during their life their physiological "halves" how can they
bring themselves to searching for missing 3/4 of their personalities
necessary to set integrity? It seems impossible, the very idea about
necessity and possibility of the successful accomplishing of such a
task is put aside before its consideration. A man chooses to go "wide"
trying to be all basic psychotypes at the same time and doesn't develop
in what he is really gifted initially to the maximal level.
The belonging to one of 4 basic psychotype is a given fact,
which cannot be changed during life. All of us live on one planet, all
of us have DNA, sex belonging and belonging to some basic psychotype.
It doesn't make us defective and primitive. It simply means we can be a
harmonious part of the ordered world.

Right external psychotype
Right external psychotype was considered historically and is considered
till now a a standard. In Ancient Greece such people were called
heroes, the most perfect of people, like the gods. The people of this
psychotype work most effectively but least effective in prediction. The
lack of prediction which always works as a hindrance, allows "the right
externals" to make decisions in one moment, to act without the
slightest doubt and to achieve their end very quickly. Certainly, it
often results in physical injures but here also fast recovery is
favoured because there's no depression and sadness which happen only to
predictors. Even if the achieved end proved to be wrong, a right
external starts to move to a new end without needless hesitations, he
doesn't make basic (strategic) conclusions but changes effectively
tactical methods and devices. Such people survive in war (if they don't
go right to fire) and in death camps, they wait for help on drift-ices
and are cured from cancer because they do not kill themselves
beforehand by negative hyperprediction.
Basic source of energy for the right externals are actions.
These are people of action, those who cannot sit around without
anything to do, even if their business is book writing. Read verses of
the right external poets: the Block, Pasternak, Tvardovsky,
Yevtushenko, Paustovsky, Arseny Tarkovsky. At all distinctions there's
dynamics everywhere, romanticism, easy sliding on the surface of
feelings, there's both elegance and grace of images and forms, even in
the most tragical lines: " … the fate traced behind me as a mad with a
blade in hand" (Ars. Tarkovsky). Compare them to the texts of the right
internal authors: Tsvetayeva, Vonesensky, Goethe, Gugo, L. Tolstoy.
Their characteristic is the depth, architectural alignment, constant
reference to the past and future, monumentality of ideas and passions.
Among the sportsmen there are a lot of right external people.
They are sprinters by nature even if they don't go in for running: P.
Sampras, D. Backham, Pele, gymnast Olga Korboot, whose risky tricks
differ very much from the verified performances of the right internal
gymnast Svetlana Horkina.
There are a lot of right external persons among the musicians
and singers: George Harrison, Michael Jackson, Kurt Robane (Nirvana),
Jim Morrison (Doors), Robby Williams, Kily Minogue, Milen Farmer,
S.Koorehin, V. Leontiev, S. Rotaroo, N. Vetlitskaya, P. Kashin, A.
Vasiliev (Splin), V. Petkoon (Dances minus), Leo Be-2, A. Makarevich
(Time Machine group), M. Pokrovsky, S. Shnoorov (Leningrad), V. Sutkin,
S. Mazaev, Detsl.
In ballet the right external dancers Ulanova, Maximova,
Bessmertnova, Vishneva, Tsiskaridze and Barishnikov are characterized
by perfection of lines, they do not dance but float above the stage.
Compare them to a little bit heavy but steady and well trained right
internal ballerinas Plisetskaya, Volochkova, Lopatkina, Ilze Liyepa.
It is interesting that people of other psychotypes try very
often to copy (and most successfuly as Volochkova and Liyepa) the right
external psychotype. In the christian world the image of virgin Mary is
always an image of the perfect right external beauty: grace of lines
and forms. And mystique.
As a matter of fact, a certain mystery, or enigma is the main
attractor in the right externals, it makes them so attractive for other
people. In men the hunter's instinct is switched on and they want to
win the heart of a mysterious strange woman, such as I. Alferova, N.
Varley, A. Vertinskaya, E. Krukuva, L. Orlova, G. Vishnevskaya, J.
Binoch, N. Kinsky, K. Schiffer, I. Dapkunaite, etc. Women want to give
their hearts to ideal heros (A. Abdulov, D. Pevtsov, A. Domogarov, N.
Baskov, S. bezrookov, B. Pitt, A. Banderas, A. Schwartznegger, Van
Damm, etc.).
The mystery of right external is based on their superficial
emotional involvement in what's happening, "sliding" on the surface of
events and feelings, certain dispassionateness, about which we already
spoke above. Besides they can control and simulate their emotional
sensitivity. All this is caused by the work of nervous pulses in the
right external people, (see. The evolutionary preconditions of
psychotype division of personality). A little bit slow excitation and
fast suppression of nervous pulses allows the right external people,
being in constant movement, to be as though high above all what's
happening at the same time and to retain the image of a mysterious
person - a puzzle which is to be solved, an emptiness, which is be to
fill in. For this reason they fall in love with the right externals so
easily, they are always surrounded by the admirers and fans, and they
never have problems with realization of the reproductive instinct.
Naturally, it causes envy and desire to look alike in the people of
other psychotype.
Such imitation is often rather successful: the right internal
actresses and singers V.Glagoleva, A.Volochkova, Sh.Stone, N.Kidman,
Lolita, Sher, M.Carey, left external actors M. Boyarsky, A. Assante,
À.Malinin, left internal actor O.Dal and singer Vitas have
managed to develop with talent so much attributes of the right external
behaviour that they are easy to take for a right external person. And
only some distortions of their image, for example, unimpotant emotional
outlets by left external, carefully cultivated calmness and long
lasting memory of the past in the right internal peole, the fear of
people turning into arrogance and cold distraction in the left
internals - all this shows their true nature.
Among the right external people there are also those who
simulate other psychotypes depending on personal situation. Some people
want to seem more sensitive and emotional: so the right external
actress S. Nemolyaeva and humorist E.Petrosyan simulate the left
external. Some people appreciate depth and wisdom, and as the right
external musician B. Grebenschikov does they add attributes of the
right internal. The right external musicians G. Sookachev and
I.Lagutenko, actor G.Oldman are known for their irrepressible, "left
internal" devotion to feelings.
If one has a superficial look at the representatives, the same
psychotype seem so unlike each other not only because of diverse, like
in cocktails, combinations of their developed imitating skills. It's
also very important what psychotype development level of persoality a
certain person has (infant, teenage, youthful, mature). (see. Levels of
consciousness development).
This very personality development level defines a degree of
reliability and stability of the right external people. As a whole, the
right external get anything easily and lose anything easily. If their
personality development level is lower, their life is more chaotic and
thoughtless. "Free-load, sir!" is the catchword of the right external
who's at the bottom levels of personality development. It concerns
everything: relationship with the people (they make a family and get
apart easily, go into breach of faith easily), the housing problems
(they don't prepare documents in time, lose the right to property), and
money problems (they earn easily and not being predicters waste
everything). All these characterize the right externals as completely
unreliable partners. However, the development level of their
personality is higher, their lives are more stable and orderely. For
example, the academician Nikolay Amosov spent tens years working over
the questions of health promotion and longevity (the right external,
mature development level of personality).
The right externals which have infant development level of
personality (for example, the French actress Bridgit Bardeau), or have
disorderly contacts, do not care about their health, they run easily
into a hysteric and calm down soon, etc. The usual result of such
long-term changes in relationships is the anger for people and
unwillingness to deal with them . All love is transferred to animals as
with B. Bardeau: her family are dozens of animals with which she lives,
her ideology is struggle against the people for the rights of animals.
Depending on a personality level the right externals' natural
crave for order can be shown both as fanatical starching of
handkerchiefs and infinite cleaning of knifes and forks, and as
purposeful life organization as with Galina Vishnevskaya who has
achieved a mature level of personality development. An advanced right
external person always knows what he wants and what particularly he's
going to do for to achieve his objective.

Right internal psychotype
The right internal people think a lot and they think persistently -
they are predicters. They are characterized, like no other psychotype,
by both obvious efficiency and inaccuracy of their prediction. The
quality of predicting is always connected to a development level of the
predicter's personality. If personal strength is higher and the
feedback with the world is deeper, prediction is more precise. Well, if
personal strength is not enough, the right internal turns everything
upside down and does not notice that he got lost in his own prediction.
The right externals get energy from actions, the right
internals get it from possession. And, first of all, from possession of
material assets. An apartment, a house, a car, antiques, a pitch of
land, and some even have a reserved place in a cemetery - all that
"winds up" the right internal. The desire to have their own lodging
gives them such a powerful impulse that they can work for years for
achievement of an object in view and, they move to their own house
sooner or later.
Behind desire to possess is the basic latent motivation of the
right internals - to make the world predictable and it must be
predictable to make life more easier with such a powerful prediction.
Prediction of right internals is directed on creation of the
complete picture of the world. For this purpose they attach labels and
tags to everything ("a friend", "an enemy", "mine", "another's", "a
Teacher", "a follower", etc.) and transform a dynamic picture of the
world into static, more controlled one. Why do the right internal
people have this desire to control all? All psychotypes are looking for
such control but the right internals hang up a label before
communication process and other psychotype do it after communication.
It is because the right internals have the slowest speed of running of
nervous pulses. They have little time to react on happening events and
compensate it by the high speed of their prediction: everything gets
its name immediately, everything is valued and recorded. The world
becomes predictable and convenient for their perception. They begin to
communicate not with real people but with their images. And to change
once developed opinion is almost impossible. All of us met the right
internal teachers at school which never changed the tag "a hooligan"
into "a pious schoolboy" and vice versa. If a personality development
level is lower, the right internals change their minds less eagerly.
Crave for definiteness, for exact methods and schemes are
characteristics of the right internal irrespective of the sphere of his
activity. Yury Andropov, Elen Blavatskaya and Avistena were engaged in
completely different affairs but all of them seeked one thing: to
create a complete picture of the world.
After achieving heights in power and popularity, the right
internals have confidence that they have a complete control over the
situation and begin to act too self-confidently, do not carry out
contracts, lose the feeling of danger. Thus, acquiring authority and
"star" status they switch off their instinct of self-preservation. It
has well-known results: the right internals who were killed John
Kennedy, Vlad Listyev, Galina Starovoytova, John Lennon, Grigory
Rasputin, Indira Gandy and Leo Trotsky. E. Shevarnadze and M.
Hodorkovsky have overrated their abilities and have lost their
The right internal are "workagolics", and not because they
love to work but because they can predict. On the one hand, prediction
helps to stick to the objective, on the other hand, it gives
impressions, for example, creating a mental but very real image of a
house which will be bought sometime. Being deeply and constantly
absorbed in their predictions of the past and the future, the right
internals are seldom here and now. They are more engaged in the past
and the future, they always remember, how old they are, how much money
they owe to someone and how much someone owes to them. If a right
external woman worries about the wrinkles on her face, the right
internal one worries about calculations and is always afraid to become
an old maid (what happens quite often).
The representatives of this psychotype study a lot and
persistently, they appreciate highly diplomas, ranks and posisions.
They judge people not by the way they dress, as the right externals do,
but by the papers they have.
"Diligence is the mother of success", "He that would eat the
fruit must climb the tree", "If you dance you must pay the fiddler" -
all these are the right internal sayings, as the majority of proverbs
and sayings. And it's no wonder that the right internals are the main
keepers of traditions in the society, it is possible to say that they
are "the memory of the society". The right internals often write
memoirs, historical chronicles and annals (Nestor Kluchevsky and other
"keepers" of the legends of old times"). And while the right externals
emphasize overcoming of difficulties in their memoirs, the right
internals describe very colourfully these difficulties which they came
across on their way. Thus a very hard impression is created, so you
wonder: how have they managed to survived and written these memoirs?
Compare the memoirs of the right externals G. Vishnevskaya Galina and
E. Ginsbourg AbruptRroute with the memoirs of the right internal
M.Plisetskaya About me, Maya Plisetskaya, L.gourchenko Applauses, L.
choukovsky Notes about Anna Akhmatova , duchess N. Dolgorookaya Notes,
archpriest Avvakoom The life ofAarchpriest Avvakoom …, memoirs of
actresses N. Mordukova and T.Okooneva.
It's absolutely clearly that right internal are inclined to
emphasize and to remember difficulties. It occurs because when the
situation ends they repeat it again and again in mind, thus extending
and exaggerating experienced difficulties. Such approach is based on
the right internals' long excitation and long suppression of nervous
pulses. The right internals remember and exaggerate difficulties,
therefore negative prediction is basic for them. They expect only bad
things from prediction.There's a closed circle, as a result the right
internals are more and more fixed in this position. In youth infant
right internals are too much credulous. A word is the main reason for
them. That's why they are very suspicious and they have prevalence of
the negative predicting as they grow older. They begin to suspect all
around and cannot stop any more (remember right internal Stalin and
From outside it seems that many right internals are prompt and
impulsive. But it concerns only their external displays and in
habitual, well-known conditions. If a situation becomes unpredictable,
undescribed before then the true nature of the right internals is shown
- always slow excitation and suppression. They suddenly cease to
understand and do not know how to react up to the moment they are able
to discribe the situation according to a well-known pattern. If it is
impossible, they feel irritation turning into anger and the desire to
destroy everything around. With years it results often in an apoplectic
attack as with Stalin.
The vivid example of right internal behaviour in a unforeseen
situation can be Stalin's behaviour after the German attack on USSR.
Stalin was totally sure that this could not happen. He was so sure that
he did not response to the messages about the aggression after the
investigation was carried; when it happened, he fell into catatonia for
many days without giving any reaction. At the same time many right
external military commanders, for example G. Zhukov, were ready to act
at once. (the same things happened during the Civil War when Stalin had
shown his complete dullness when he was in army field forces under
Tsaritsino where everything was unfamiliar and unpredictable for him.
And, on the other hand, external heroes of the Civil War,
Denikin,Kornilov, Chapaev and Duddeny, Blyucher and Yakir are
well-known to every one.
However, when the state of war became a norm Stalin found
stability and could strategically supervise over a course of military
operations. But he never cared about those who die (unnecessary
blockade of Leningrad, etc.) Here worked a principle that right
internals perceive humans as things (unlike the left internals, who
treat things as humans). However in some situations this principle
doesn't kill people but helps them to survive: many talented surgeons
are right internal, for example, Botkin and Pirogov. By the way, like a
true right internal, Pirogov wanted to be definite even after his death
and asked to balm his body, that was done.
The right internals sing a lot and well, they also write,
compose music, make films, direct performances. And there's always a
certain monumentality in their creativity, they are always engaged in
their own affairs. It's easy to add the word "great" to the names of
the right internals: the great writers Leo Tolstoy, Victor Gugo and
Charles Dickens, great poets Homer,Dante, Ahmatova and Tsvetayeva,
great stage directors S. Bondarchuk, F.Fellini and G. Tovstonogov,
great composers R.Wagner, S.Prokofiev and D.Shostakovich, great actors
Sara Bernar, A. Freindlih, M.Terekhova and A. Batalov.
The different levels of personality development allow the
right internals to achieve different levels in creative work but each
of them made "his name" by himself: musicians V.Visotsky, Shevchuk, I.
Ponarovskaya, L.Dolina, M. Shufutinsky, A. Buynov; opera singers
L.Kazarnovskaya and P. Domigo; writers B. Akunin, A. Marinina,
D.Donzova; TV presenters U. Senkevich, M.Osokin, T. Mitkova, S.
Sorokina, E. Hanger; actors Jean Renau, Robert de Niro, Ch. Lambert, H.
Rord, S.Sarandon, S.Weaver, Julia Roberts, N.Adreychevko, R. Platt,
O.Yefremov and T. Doronina; film directors S. Spilberg and A. Mitta.
Many right internal women are known both as the authors of
their songs and ballads and singers: Diana Arbenina ( Night Snipers),
S.Soorganuva, J. Checherina, Zemfira, Yuta, J. Agoozarova, Butch, O.
Right internal musicians are John Lennon, Mick Jagger, W.
Huston, B. Streizand, M.Cary, B. Spiers, Eminem, Pink, Shakira, etc.
If the right externals take everything easy even injuries and
painful trainings (for example, Valentine Dikul), the right internals
achieve all with effort. Nobody loves they just simply "for free". It's
the right externals who get easily everything and lose it with the same
ease. A right internal person contributes to achievement of the planned
objective so much energy that he cannot part with the already achieved
any more, whether it be career, love, family, children, etc. Therefore
he seldom changes his residence, his family, his work, friends and
lovers, and especially his ideas and views. Indeed behind all this is
their main motivation - to make the world predictable and controlled.
Due to this motivation many right internals became important
politicians, businessmen, spiritual leaders: Konfutzy, Linkoln, Mahatma
Gandy, Charle de Gaul, Mao Dze Dun, Osho, Alexey II, Rusvelt, Stalin,
Clinton, Kuchma, Bush elder, Choobays, Hackamada, yavlinsky, Goodjiev,
Stolipin, Bill Gates, Catherine II. Thus the real consequences of their
activity can be various, depending on a personality development level
of each of them, since the quality of the strategic prediction of the
right internals depends on a personality level.
An infant right internal person, because of his
fundamentalism, needs a team and friends more than the other
psychotypes. But impossibility to make a first step, to recognize his
dependence forces him constantly to prove to himself and to the people
aroud his self-sufficiency. The impossibility to make the first step is
connected to negative prediction. And he cannot take risks because of a
small amount of personal strength. As a set-off against it the infant
right internals can be deeply involved in science, become ingenious
inventors, philosophers or scientists, such as M.Mamardashvily and C.
Tsiolkovsky. Let's take, for example, Leo Landau, the greatest physics,
the winner of the Nobel Prize. If you will read his wife's memoirs
(Kora Landau-Drobisheva. Academician Landau.), you'll easily notice
that that ingenious man was a typical absent-minded person in everyday
life, he didn't understand people, relationships, was completely
inadequate in his life, etc. It's possible to say that as a physicist
he was very significant but as an individual he was nothing.
Infant and teenage right internals who devoted their lives to
esoteric knowledge, often become religious fanatics and mad people.
Their strong prediction in the area of supersensual perception is taken
by them as real communication with the spirit world. We can use as an
example he ability of the right internals to climax through a fancy sex
to imagine the srength of their prediction more vividly.
Speaking about imitated development of the right internals,
for example, N.Babkina and N. Mordukova are standard "northern
stalkers" (according to Castaneda), without any deviation; "northern
dreamers" Bella Ahmadoolina and Renata Litvinova have developed in
themselves the left internal qualities, and C. Orbakite and Uma Tourman
simulate talently right external persons. If a right internal is at the
infant or teenage level of personality development and simulates a left
external person then sometimes it gets character of the latent or
obvious aggression: concealing their fear of people and of treating
them as things by their left external emotional sensuality, the right
internals know no measure. For example, TV presenter Valdis Pelshworks
like this.
Hyperprediction becomes very often an enemy for the right
internals. In such cases their natural predisposition to searching for
the causes of what's going on plus lack of the control over their own
prediction, their habit "to dig deeply" and, as a consequence, their
inability to stop and to change their veiw - all that lead to either
fanaticism, as with boyar Morozova, or to a suicide, as with Marina
If a right internal person managed to develop up to a mature
personality level he's always a man with encyclopaedic knowledge
capable of deep analyzing and can enjoy another's creations. He can
predict the end of his life and is at the pains for its
prolongation.For example, Andrew Konchalovsky has such personality, the
widely known director and thinker.

Left external psychotype
A left external person is a linchpin, the one who creates the emotional
environment in a group, a family, a party or in a trip. Castaneda named
people of such psychotype as couriers and women as southern. The south
is a growth and warmth. If the left external person is in high spirits,
all people around bathe in waves of his care. Any promlems are solved
easily and simply: the walls are easily broken, any repair is made in a
moment, right people and connection are found. Nobody can resist the
charm of the left external and refuse their request: neither policeman,
nor notary, and business partner. However environment is still
environment. It can not only feed but to be also aggressive. And here
no one would wish to become a victim of left external aggression. It's
like for a fetus moving from an ovul into acid condition. The total
love can be replaced by the total hatred. And, if the personality
development level is lower, such changes run faster.
If one looks at the diagram of nervous pulses which the left
externals have that's very fast excitation and suppression, it becomes
clear why an infant left external easily gives everything and takes
away everything with the same ease, easily falls in love and also
easily begins to hate, swears his devotion, but he is ready to destroy
his partner because of the slightest sniff treason. And if the right
external himself is inclined to leave someone, as soon as he gets a
more favourable contact, to leave his family or friends the left
external needs a reason wounding his pride. Unfaithfulness and
treachery are things that the left external will never forgive, and the
reason for this is that this psychotype needs a feeling of belonging to
a steady system, to an egregor, much more than the others. Easy
emotional exitation makes a left external person be like "a leaf in the
wind" and if he doesn't have an egregor he easily becomes a drunkard, a
drug-adict, a homeless person or a madman.
Everything depends on a personality development level as
always: if a left external has more personal strength, he realizes more
deeply his nature and accepts more easily the dependence on a system.
If a left external higher has the development level high enough, his
relationships with the people are more stable. And vice versa, an
infant left external changes relations easily, he changes sex partners,
a job and is concerned most of all with a question: "Do you respect me?"
If the right internals build a base all their life, the left
externals cannot build a base independently at all, and an advanced
left external person is aware of this fact very well. But, therefore, a
left external person can create the most harmonious and comfortable
interior of rooms, clothes style, bouquet design. He is adored by
children and animals, by old ladies and invalids. And he himself takes
care of them with pleasure depending on his mood.
In generally speaking, a left external psychotype person is an
ideal executor in any business area.They make the best secretaries,
best nurses and housewives, best wives capable to dissolve in her
husband, like Iren Fyedorova ( academician S. Fyodorov's wife) and
actress Elen Sanayeva (film director R. Ryibakov's wife). Some left
externals become the firmbosses, general managers of farms, schools
principals and hospitals heads, well-known politicians (S.Stepashin and
S. Glaziev) and such ministers as S.Shoigoo and V. Fetisov. The
management is uneasy for the left externals but when they acqire power
many of them still take care of thier human image (for example, M.
Gorbachev). The left externals are good copputer programmers,
gardeners, dancers (V. Vasiliev), racing car drivers, sportsmen
(gymnast A.Nemov), musicians (Bob Marley, Paul Maccartney, Tina Turner,
V. Meladze, V.Butoosov, C. Kinchev), stunt men and actors (Jean-Paul
Bellmondau, V. Steklov, L.Durov), film directors (Nikita Mikhalkov).
A left psychotype person gets energy first of all from the
relationship with people, and not from the relationship with things.
That's why an infant left external seeks to be at the centre of
attention always and everywhere, causing in the spectators alot of
emotions (for example, Woopy Goldberg, Eddie Murphy, Elen Vorobey).
There are usually a lot of actors with cosmic talent among the left
externals regardless of a personality development level: Cartsev,
Shifrin, Novikova, Farada, T. Vasiliyeva, Carachentsev. It is obvious
that to be funny is a shortest way to evoke spectators' answer-back
reaction, and the left externals are very good at that. If a left
external person is less developed, he needs more his own emotional
show, no matter positive or negative: a quarrel or a scandal is also
energy feeding. Woopy Goldberg is known for her scandals during the
film shootings.
In love affaires the infant left external tries to fill in his
partner's life completely. He feels he has not enough of what he
already has all the time, he is very jealous and suspicious. In
general, suspiciousness and mistrust are very characteristics for the
left externals, especially at infant and teenage levels of personality
development. The subconscious fear to lose support and what's more
important "to shame oneself", " make a fool of oneself", forces to
suspect every one of everything, to control a situation firmly and to
demand justice, equality and brotherhood. These left externals have a
well-developed prediction- the question: "how do they think about me?"
- the answer: "Nobody cares about me". This prediction often paralyses
the left externals and they starts to wait when someone comes and
expresses his feelings instead of making an impulsive, sudden action
natural for him: to come first and to show oneself. The left external
man is angry very ofen, since he cannot afford to shown his inner
feelings, suffers for long time, suppresses it but sooner or late blows
A left external person, which is at a teenage level of
personality development, imitate the right internal and havs an image
gloomy outside but kind inside thinker, fighter for justice, defender
of the weak and the poor. Such a person, which is in egregor framework,
honestly carries out the duty to his country, his party, his family and
really helps many people making firm and unambiguous decisions. Some
left externals (M.Boyarsky, A. Assante) have the right external skills
of a romantic prom-trotter, and have success with their fans. Left
external actress Sophy Loren immitates successfully the right external
psychotype. Left external singer A. Rozenbaum behaves on a stage just
as the right internal. The left external are usualy liked by people,
people love them (for example, O. Gazmanov and "pani Monika" O.
Aroseva). But no matter what the left external does, feeling of the
debt and justice are the main things for him. Broadcasters Alexey
Pimanov (Man and Law) and Ernest matskyavichus are characterized by
these features. By his excessive search for "the Moment of Truth" is
known Adrew Karaulov.
In general a well-developed left external is the best friend
and most devoted partner, which will do his best to protection his
egregor (a family, a team, a belief and values).
If a left external being at an unfant or teenage level of
personality development is not connected to any egregor, he rushs
seeking his own system, goes haywire , even can commit suicide as S.
Yesenin (teenage left external), or perishes on duel as M. Lermontov.
In such cases great talent only accelerates the process of
self-destruction. The fate of infant left external V. Mayakovsky is
tragic: he killed himself when he lost former strong contact with two
main egregors in the life - bolsheviks party Lily and Osip Brick's
The problems arise within the left external women who immitate
unsuccessfully the left internal psychotype. Such women start to
confuse the reality and imagination, to accept the desirable instead of
the real, live in the world of dreams and look like mad persons. They
consider themselves introverts sincerely and unable to stop, they sink
in their imaginations deeper. Only the connection to any egregor can
help them, this won't let them to go down in their fancy world. It can
be their marriage with a right internal person or joining some working
team with very strict discipline and dayly schedule.
If the left externals achieves a higher personality
development level they can skilfully use their egregor as protection
and as a starting platform for travels to other worlds (courier Elihio
by Castaneda). In this case his power diagram allows to change
perception, to leave the rutine and to explore new spaces easily.
Unfortunately in postwar Russia there are very few advanced
left externals. The communistic ideology of overall equality has
deformed people's consciousness and with few exceptions, this has made
itimpossible for the left externals to recognize their natural
dependence on a strong system, on an egregor, a teacher. Such
dependence is perceived as slavery and not as a necessary condition of
development. A left external person who was educated in the Soviet
Union, always looks for power and if he gets this power he becomes
either a petty tyrant, as N. Hruschev, or he cannot carry out his
policy steady and consistently, as M. Gorbachev.
Using Castaneda's terms one can say that under favorable
conditions, having unlimited power, an infant left external person
easily turns into the perfect small tyrant.

Left internal psychotype
Ther are very few left internal people on our planet. The society does
not need a plenty of them, as they are worse than other psychotype to
accept and keep the norms of social life, don't like to and often
cannot perform rituals and duties, and sometimes they play the role of
destroyers of the established order.
Why do we need the left internals at all? First of all, they
are useful as reformers, as generators of new ideas and views. The
search activity, the research of the unknown are the main ways of
getting energy for the left internals. Social inadequacy, discomfort
among people give him a constant pulse for search for new spaces. He
easily changes his residence and his job, his profession and field of
interests. Especially it is a characteristic of a youthful level of
personality development. If the personal strength is not enough for
action, an infant or teenage left internal person willingly travels in
dreams, and at the worst - and in narcotic dreams, as famous musicians
F. Mercury and J. Joplin.
The absence of internal and external frameworks, "anchors" in
the perception process of the new allows a left internal person to
change easily and to discover. We can remember A. Einstein, I.
stravinsky and U. Lotman and consider how innovatively left internal
can approach researches in any area, whether it be physics or music or
history of culture. Very often the love for newness and very high
adjustment make the left internal great travellers (for example,
N.Miklooho-Makly and Vitaly Soondakov).
Social inadaquacy of the left internals is caused by their
diagram of nervous pulses: very fast excitation and slow suppression.
It would seem, having the slow suppression the left internals like the
right internals must digest the acquired experience and to be quite
"law-abiding". But it's not like this. Constant reacting on more new
external signals keeps a left internal person in a state of nervous
excitation, "giddiness", when nothing has time to settle like a deposit
in the form of developed habits, reflexes and norms. Usually the left
internal himself settles like "a deposit", turning into nothing in
short time, and then, after a rest, he starts to be anxious again.
The left internals looks often queerish and sometimes they are
not aware of their queerness as singers Byork and Lyubasha but
sometimes cultivating it on purpose as artist S. Daly, writer D.
Prigov, singer Shura, or P.Mamonov, the former leader of group "Sounds
Ìoo", or the founder of group "Auction" Garkoosha. For some of
them the unusual behaviour is a way to attract attention to their
infant or teenage personality, and for the more advanced is a natural
way of self-expression.
One can never know what to expect from the left internal
person, and this unpredictability strains and irritates the people
around. Yes, people like the left internals while it is interesting
with them; yes, they are perfect story-tellers and listeners, advisers
and improvisators. But, nevertheless people always are a little bit
afraid of them whatever happens. No matter at what personality level is
a left internal - you can never guess how he will act at the next
moment. Remember such representatives of this psychotype as: singer A.
Pugacheva, chess player H. Kasparov, satirist M. Zhvanetsky, dancer P.
Nuriyev, artist M. Shagal, actors C. Sadalsky, R. Byckov, Ch. Chaplin,
J. Depardieu, Sh. Penn. Their ability in improvisation in creativity
attracts a lot of people to them but the same ability in everyday life
makes contact and communication with them rather difficult. Thus, the
lower development level of the people around is, the more unacceptable
for them the queerness of the left internals is. And the lower
personality development level of the left internal is, the more
inadequate his conduct is, then he gets it on the nose more often and
more often he looks around trying to find out what they think about him.
The fear of people and dependence on the relationships with
them is a main characteristic of the unmature left internal. Frequently
such discomforts spur him on to deep absorbtion in his activity. Such
left internals reach the depths in self-torturing, making endless
attempts to learn human soul and takes his place in the history of
mankind as a true genius. The left internal are writers F. Dostoevsky,
F. Kafka, H.Kortasar, M. Frisch, V. Nabokov, D. Harmes; film directors
Kama Ginkas, Lars von Trier and Michael Romm; artists I, Boskh, M.
Vrubel, Van Gog and Moonk, poets N. Goomilev and O. Mandelshtam. The
vivid example of "passionarity" of the left internal nature is the
founder of the passionarity theory of Leo Goomilev.
The left internals are the people which are constantly engaged
in their own feelings. And these feelings are always connected to other
people. "To live in order to feel as much as possible!" is a motto
which is carried through all life by many left internals. Some of them
combine an actor's job with extreme sports activities, as Nickolay
Fomenko, Gosha Kutsenko, Alexander Inshakov and Nicklas Cage. Some try
to restrict emotionality by powerful intelligence, like chess players
B. Fischer and H. Kasparov do. Some are realized in music activities
like Peter Gabriel, Elton John, Ringo Starr, Boris Moiseyev and Philip
Seeking sensual pleasures while there's absence of the
necessary control over emotions makes many left internal people
"chasers". However, the fear of probable failure make some of them to
replace real acts by virtual ones, by computer or imagined adventures.
The lower level personality development is, the more sexually anxious
the left internal is. (However, it concerns all the psychotypes.) If a
left internal person doesn't care about moral norms and has power he
"steps on female bodies" in a literal sense, as it was done by Beriya.
Fortunately, the left internal's absence of conscience in a combination
with a uncontrolled ability to ride herd on human lives is a rare
phenomenon. Except for Beriya it is possible to remember, among left
internal, perhaps, only F. Dzerzhinsky.
Generally speaking, the example with Beriya is very useful for
understanding of the left internal nature. In Beriya's monstrous
personality all positive and negative features of this psychotype are
concentrated and aggravated. Developed in childhood the attentiveness
to displays of the people around, skills to foresee a threat and to
escape from it before its realization, the advanced intuition, skills
to notice micronuances of one's and another's feelings, ability to act
very abruptly and to make unexpected actions thus anticipating
opponents, skills to change radically the outlook, flexibility in
behaviour - all these made Beriya such hardy on a background of total
reprisals. He easily outstripped Stalin his sluggish right internal
Master - in speed and in flexibility of the prediction and due to this
he remained alive.
Every left internal one has got used to be always guilty for
everything from childhood. In process of personality development such
self-torture is replaced with search for reasons - within and without.
If the development does not occur then the total gilt is compensated by
total violence as we see in the example with Beriya. But long-term
permissiveness in relation to inferiors and successful manipulation by
Master's opinion threw Beriya over the bridge eventually. He overrated
obviously the importance of his really unique abilities to predict:
when he confronted nimble Hruschev and Zhukov (left and right external)
afterStalin's death he simply couldn't use in time his prediction and
was soon shot.
Feelings are the main thing in the life of the left internal.
According to Castaneda's classification a woman of such a spychotype
are refered to as as western and a man is refered to as a person behind
a stage. Western women are very few and they understand the spychotypes
better than other people.
If the left external have mood easily and quickly changing,
the left internal has mood that lasts excessively long at times, as he
is supported and fed by the constant prediction. In general, prediction
plays a special, basic part in the life of the left and right internal
spychotypes. For the right internal the prediction serves for
stabilizating a picture of the world, in the left external it
constantly staggers the description of the world, inviting more and
more new doubts on any occasion. A right internal one tries to make
everything dense and static: subjects, feeling and people. A left
internal one is inclined to transform the simplest phenomenon into a
unsteady mist and to float together with it in infinite variants of its
Any phenomenon is considered by the left internal through a
retrospect of the people relations: they need - they do not need, they
will leave- they will not leave, they love - they do not love, etc. The
desire to find stability in relations is unrealizable dream of the left
internals, which can be carried out only by a mature personality, when
a support becomes his own personal strength instead of attention and
love from outer world. The mature left internal finds stability not in
relations but in freedom from the relations, in understanding that any
stability is relative. It is well shown in the example of Alla
Pugacheva's personality growth. And, on the contrary, how emotionally
unstable other left internal singer Masha Rasputina looks who seeks for
a support on stage in the image of the left external sex-bomb, and in
real life - in the image of the millionaire's beloved wife.
If the left internal did not develop up to a level of the
mature personality he lives in constant stress: one experience is
imposed on another, all around seems unreliable, worry becomes a life
norm. Even if there is no real reason for a trouble, the left internals
will predict such reason for sure and will be running in the closed
circle of fears like a fiber in a wheel. If personality development
level is lower, the left internal masters prediction not so well, he's
more forced by prediction. If the left internal has initially a high
potential of vital energy and doesn't have external framework he can go
Usually there should be someone close to an unmature left
internal person who should rigidly order his life, establish rules and
norms to limit his unrestrained imagination. In an ordinary family a
right external person plays such role better than others, he leaves
some open space for the left internal flight. If a right internal one
controls discipline, he is inclined "to strangle" a little bit a left
internal person so that he wouldn't ruffle and break a static picture
of the world. Though an infant left internal hasband is ready to give
up his freedom for life in a cramp, but secure "womb" of his right
internal wife. If a left internal has somebody in tow by a left
external partner, the last one is very wearied and he grows old under
pressure of a sense of duty, while the left internal doesn't let off. A
couple made up of two left internal is possible only if at least one of
them has a mature personality (as with Poogacheva and Kirkorov) if,
certainly, this mature personality won't blow up because of the left
internal partner. If the matter is not to make a family but to gather a
group which should consist of the representatives of all psychotypes,
the left internal one is the most active participant of this process,
because the relationship with the people is his elements.
Inability to work with prediction is the main problem of the
left internal. This problem pursues him at any level of personality
development. The more personal strength the left internal one has, the
better he controls prediction. But he must be ready always to say
"stop" in predicting in order to be at stake. Great actor Eugine
Yevstegneyev had a tragic fate: being left internal he couldn't cope
with his own negative prediction, when he saw an imaginary picture of
his heart desease described by a pedantic German doctor and died that
very day without waiting for a operation. We can say that the left
internal commited a suicide and the instrument for it was an
uncontrolled prediction.
Thus, the life quality and life expectancy of the left
internals depends not on the relations with people, as they got used to
think but from an ability or inability to work with their prediction.
The ability to work with prediction, to control it and to stop
in time is the main indicator of personality development level of a
left internal person.
If the left internals still succeed in passing through all
steps of personality growth and to become an integrated individual, the
personal strenth level of such a human being grows higher than in other
psychotypes. Skills restrain their powerful prediction gives them an
opportunity to accumulate a huge stock of personal strength and the
natural flexibility and mobility of perception allow to overcome any
barriers in understanding of the unknown. As an example we can remember
Silvio Manual from Don Juan's party described by Castaneda.
