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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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Transmutation1. Force think2. Meditations 3. Non-doing of a dream
Force thinkThe period of transition from the mature personality to the integrated one we’ll name transmutation. To be transformed from a caterpillar into a butterfly a caterpillar must ripen first of all and thaen to finish completely all affairs carring through its mission in a ãóñåíèöû body up to the end. Further it must create for itself an enclosed space (a cocoon), with all necessary convenience and wait. All the rest happen naturally. Why no humans do similar transitions in the visible space though by hearsay we know that someone did it at one time. (Certainly to make comparisons would be beside the mark but there’s something in it). First of all, point 1 and point 2 are not carried out (conditions for ãóñåíèöû transformation). What are the characteristic of these two performed points? First, inner dialogue is stopped in a natural way not by force; second, there should be a store of (potential) physical energy and personal strength. If you think you met these two conditions, you can read further. If not, do not waste your time. Then it is necessary to generate a dominant idea – to grow young again. I do not think, that everything that was mentioned above in point 1 and 2 be realized till the age of 40, and at this age the signs of fading are usually displayed. So, we form a dominant idea directed on rejuvenation of your body which grow decrepit. What is it for? – you may ask if we are aimed at complete
transmutation. Because it is the first stage and if you cannot do such
simple changes within your body, don’t even think of further
transmutation. What does a dominant idea mean? This idea should fill in all your
being completely, your inner dialogue, your subconsciousness. Do you think it is difficult? It is not the case. Remember how easily people keep a dominant idea when they are under pressure. In the situation of struggle for one’s survival there are no questions how to keep an idea of rescue. But what’s the most important is this idea should be kept without effort and difficulty: if there is any pressure concerning keeping, it means your tonal is still unclear up to the end , not all affairs are not finished. The cleanliness of perception at the mature personality level is somehow similar to the perception of an average man in a state of deep hypnosis when the IDEA BECOMES EFFECTIVE. And just as a hypnotizer can cause a real burn on a probationer’s skin. By way of hypnosis he produces a touch with some heated subject, so a person at this level can cause similar effects by himself. If it is done your consciousness and your subconsciousness will be united. You’ll have dreams about it, the realized dreams need to be used for this purpose, to deceive yourself at this stage is impossible. Go through with all affair up to the end and then continue reading further. As well as everywhere one line is traced if you may notice. It is important to create necessary conditions and all will happen naturally. I remind you we may stop inner dialogue through rituals, we may displace in the top of an iceberg but nothing will happen. But at the same time, if we begin to displace its underwater, unseen part, the rest thing happen naturally. So one must always work over subconsciousness. Sit in a comfortable meditative pose, close your eyes and observe your ideas. Will your Main Idea which meets your Task and is put coscously correspond to usually interfering and distracting ideas from subconsciousness? If the set of ideas from subconsciousness is strong enough, do not suppress them but write them down. Each idea must be considered and depreciated separately. Certainly, such recommendations are not for all since the depreciation of previous values should occur under the pressure of some new values. If a person’s energy is not enough there can be a new problem similar to middle-age crisis when the old things are depreciated but there’s nothing new. Therefore, for such category of people it is better not to do depreciation. A question can arise. And what must one do with hunger? On the one hand I offer to live with slight hunger, i.e. I form feeling of the importance of food, on the other hand I recommend to depreciate it,so that thinking about food would not break inner silence. Everything is very simple. At this level of self-development such degree of self-control is supposed when there is an possibility of manipulation with a setting point. I mean the ability to form the supervalue of some situation at the right moment, and at other moment to depreciate it. In general, if you reached this stage and began active work over your internal world, the objects of this world should become just as tangible for you as the objects of the external world. And the resonance comes only when your subconsciousness will go in parallel to your consciousness and even in phase. And you know what’s that, you learned it at school. There is a question. Why do consciousness and subconsciousness do not work together at once if it is favourable? And the reason of it is very simple. Think. All people try intuitively to level the disbalance of consciousness and subconsciousness, everyone in his own ways, for example by drinking alchohol. Before we came only nearer to internal world through work over tonal and personality problems, now, at this stage the work is already carried directly over the objects of this internal world and as it is necessary we must begin with the card-circuit of this world. For example, why our inner dialogue turns around the events of this world all time, but at the same time almost never around the global things such as life or death. Certainly, we’ve got used to use this world energy and we know only by hearsay about energy of that primary world. The case is we are involved in this point of space (the planet Earth) as participants of events, at this time, in these bodies. All this was given to us by forces from another, more global world and we do not want to contact to that world, we are afraid, there is no strength, etc. Finishing one’s mission at this time, in this body before the removed(allocated) term, i.e. by compressing time up to a limit, by increasing one’s efficiency, we have a unique opportunity to contact with that world, whence we have appeared. Certainly, it is terrible, as well as all having qualities of a reality. But the thinking by categories of life or death does not give us energy, since not our energy is involved in it. At the same time, the usual thinking gives us energy, i.e. within the framework of our world. So, it is necessary to have enough courage and strength to begin voluntary switching the attention from this habitual world to another. Only therefrom we can really gather vital power, youth, health. The transitive period because of lack of energy is difficult. When looking from that world the value is (the very fact) existence itself. And to realize it one should already have the plan of self-consciousness advanced enough. It only seems to us that we want to live. Actually we want to get impressions. It’s like a computer. To breathe lufe into him it must be connected to the energy of electricity, this energy is from another world. A program is only a program -personality, configuration-iron is a body. But electric power is surely primary. But unlike a computer which is consecutively cunstructed by someone, then it is programed and connected to the electricity, a man is formed in parallel, i.e. simultaneously both program and energy are switched on and the body is formed. A link with the energy of the primary world, unlike a computer, for us is naturally consciousness. Consciousness is a program- hacker, with the help of which we can
crack some other personality and subconscious
programs. Can Consciousness can crack the genetic program? – that’s a
question. Everything depends on the strength of your intention.
MeditationsWhat does it mean to place oneself in a cocoon of awareness? If you have already cleared your tonal away ensuring your internal silence, at last you can begin meditating. The meditation at this level differs radically from meditations of spiritual seekers, which mean by “meditation” the process of struggle with their inner dialogue while they silently sit in padamasana, for example. The meditations at this level go on in inner silence when there’s already no inner dialogue and are directed on self-impregnation with awareness. It’s better to begin impregnation with the top of one’s head. Everything is very simple. You keep your attention at this part till you feel something. It may be burning, creep, pressure, etc. and then you must lower these sensations downwards the whole body. In general, all that what is recommended in classical books on meditation, concentration and autohyonosis, etc. Now, everything will happen easily and simply and what’s the most important – you’ll soon have the results. Why is such sequence of actions important: At first the clearing of tonal and as a consequence ego destruction, and only then meditation and filling yourself with awareness, rather the reverse. The case is that any alien idea with even total awareness as a background completely destroys the results. It’s like a sex problem with many men. Once they have a slightest fear because of the idea: “If it won’t get up to the occasion”, so exactly, it will not , even if they have had more women than hot dinners. So the work over consciousness requires carefulness, thoroughness, and the main thing – no to be in hurry. All thoughts should be under control. And “under control” means – if I want I think, I do not want Idon’t think. No matter which way you do it but without performing this preliminary condition it is useless to sit in meditation. This evolutionary stage is also refered to as the integrated personality. The integrated personality can be named the conscious personality. What’s its characteristic? First of all, there’s nothing human in this being left any more. Conscious dreams at this level is a habitual thing. Without any great efforts (the basic effort was already made earlier), just with the help of order it is possible to enter conscious dreams. Here we won’t emphasise what
the integrated person is. It was done by A.Podvodny rather in detail http://www.podvodny.ru/Persona/Persona.htm
Now it is important to understand how to become an integrated person. It is very difficultly for a human to understand and to accept the fact of people’s division into the consciousness levels: infant, teenage, youthful, mature and integrated personalities. It is even more difficult to see that all these personality categories live in the parallel worlds, i.e. the worlds which are joined only in the surface, visible spectrum but as a matter of fact, they are absolutely different, practically incompatible worlds. We know the fact the children’s world is another world and first of all, this difference is visible because of the body sizes. Their initial consciousness level corresponds in our perception to their small height and this allows us to be gracious to them. When a body stops growing but a personality continues growing, it is not so visible any more. And when adult people meet nobody usually realizes whom they meet. A being from one’s own world or from another world? Hence we have all problems of misunderstanding, treachery, offends, etc. Passing through the first four stages - infant, teenage, youthful, mature - is characterised by the linear moving of a setting point along these worlds. Because of the linear moving of a setting point when a man gets into a new life space, he considers people allaround live in this space and that’s why even existing at the mature personality level a man does not still fully realize infant, teenage, youthful personalities, since he perceives the world still discretely and he continues to assume that all people live in his environment of the mature personality though his life experience points to another thing. But the most important thing is that conditionality to this or that form of existence (this or that personal space) is determined by body chemical processes. So the belonging to some personality level is determined not only by living in appropriate personal space but also by changes in body chemistry. Why is more easy for an infant person to become a drug-edict? Because drugs change body chemistry artificially up to bpdy chemistry of the integrated level. The difference between an infant drug-edict which is in the world section of the integrated personality and an integrated person who has earned this personal space by his own effort is that an integrated person can continue to act and to work.. An infant drug-edict can only stay there. Personality transitions from the infant personality to the mature personality are characterised by change in the position of a setting point, with simultaneous getting into a new section of personal space and fixing there. And only an integrated person (that’s why he’s also refered to as an integrated one) can be loose and to manipulate his setting point and to be displaced in any previous position if he wants to. And so, as you understand, there’s an ability to feel as you’re everything and nothing at the same time, an ability to understand and to accept all people as they are. But only after fulfiling these conditions it is possible to assign to the responsibility to teach others. Personality transitions from the infant personality to the mature personality take place only under conditions of interaction with the people, with the society. Other conditions are necessary for transition from the infant personality to the mature personality. First of all, loneliness and isolation from the society, from the people. Only in the state of total loneliness it is possible to place oneself in a cocoon of awareness and to wait for this transition. During this time the connection with the social womb and naval-string cutting is taking place. An embryo in a womb passes all stages of the previous evolutionary
periods with high speed. For this purpose it doesn’t have to put his
effort. The started program of evolutionary transitions works. It is
important for us to be connected to this program again and to make the
next transition. To do it we are given a human life period. Now in the
social womb we should carry out all personality transitions on high
speed to prepare ourselves for transmutation. It is important to
believe that it is possible … Non-doing of a dream as a practice
which help
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