Practical Evolution of Consciousness

    Lev Sitnikov Russian version   

The Total Approach to the Problem
of Evolution of Self-organizing Living Systems

The task: to define the principles and laws of entropy reduction of open systems in order to define the direction of their further development and the acceleration of this process with reference to any self-organizing system (in particular to a human being).

1. Evolution is the process of detachment of systems with higher organization from the system with the lower organization.

2. Living is a process of the feedback between systems with various types of organization.

3. The energy which is required for development and evolution of highly organized living systems, is coming through the feedback channels from parent systems and as soon as it is transformed, it goes out as self-preservation instinct which is the very catalyst of living.

4. Development is the process of stabilization of each of the systems to preserve the level achieved, it is the process of searching for the balance within the environment.

5. Hyperdevelopment of a systems results in the atrophy of the self-preservation instinct, it also results in a system’s death (dead-ended branches of evolution) or to the return to previous development level (unity with the parent system).


1. Each system seeks balance.

2. The process of searching for balance allows a system to develop.

3. The system which has achieved balance and hasn’t not passed on to a new level of disbalance stops development and becomes parasitizing system.


The general review

The living process (survival) of all living beings goes on in two directions.

1. The process of preservation of the achieved life level (extensive development, quantitative).

2. The process of development (intensive development, qualitative).

Only due to the simultaneous work of these two processes we can see such variety of all living things around.

If only the first process worked, the development would be finished at some primitive level.

If only the second process worked, i.e. if there were only qualitative developments, now we would see only human beings around, and there would be neither animals, nor plants. (this example is surely far-fetched but still.)

The development process is characterized by such changes in the direction of adaptation due to which there is an opportunity to maintain the greater pressure.

Development is a tendency to acquire more of those organs and ways of interaction with the environment, due to which there is an opportunity to perceive all environment more and more fully, that is also shown simultaneously by dynamics of greater adaptability  and survivorship rate. The necessary condition for this process is the optimum amplitude of external energy processes.

The process of preservation of the achieved level (extensive development) is characterized by development of given parts of a body and of ways of interaction with the environment. The necessary condition for this process is the low (unsufficient) amplitude of external energy processes.

The basic law of the universe: any system seeks balance.

In nature the balance is carried out in two ways: in an animated nature - by way of the entropy reduction, in a inanimate nature - by increase of entropy (in common meaning entropy is a certain level of chaos).

Animated nature differs from inanimate one by a border - a semipermeable membrane through which the energy comes and the products of disintegration are secreted.

The example of a systems reducing its entropy in search for balance is a formation of the solar system, of the Earth, of living beings and at last of humans. Here we can consider some systems of different sizes.

1. A large explosion - the formation of the solar system.

2. The Sun – the planets.

3. The Earth – the mankind.

4. The mankind – the society.

5. A human being – his internal environment (homeostasis).

Entropy in a system can be increased in two directions depending on the  area of influence of positive (+) or negative (-) energy processes. To put it more simply, a system can start burning or freezing.

The examples of the systems increasing its entropy to achieve balance in the direction (-):

1. Dying stars.

2. The processes which take place on the planets of the solar system, on which there’s no life (more far from the Sun than the Earth).

3. The system of socialism.

4. The prevalence in a human being of the energy of the preservation instinct (laziness) and also the reproductive instinct.

5. Chronic illnesses and so on.

The example of the systems increasing its entropy to achieve balance in the direction (+).

1. Supernova explosion.

2. The processes on the planets located closer to the Sun than the Earth.

3. Wars, natural calamities and others natural as well as artificially caused processes.

4. The prevalence in a human being of the self-preservation instinct at such a level, that he is totally preoccupied by it.

5. Acute diseases, traumas.

6. Stresses and so on.

The systems reducing its entropy occupy a very narrow corridor between redundancy (+) and insufficiency (-) of energy processes, partially carried by them.

Till now it’s unclear how the seccond law of thermodynamics was broken and life began. At the same time we know from the school course of biology that the beginning and preservation of life is possible only in a very narrow corridor of external energy processes. This corridor is in an interval between redundancy and insufficiency of a needed pressure level necessary to maintain life.

In cosmic scale it is like this:

1.  The planet which is in such distance from the Sun where the temperature conditions would be optimum for life to begin on the basis of carbon.

2. The planet rotates on its axis providing alternation of day and night.

3. The planet’s own spinning axis is at an angle to an spinning axis of a planet which is around the Sun, it provides the alternation of seasons.

4. The planet must have water, i.e. an environment with necessary density where the life could begin.

5. The Moon rotates around the Earth, providing high and low tides. Thus  life, which began in an ocean moved on to land.

Figuratively it can be shown as the diagram:

That’s it is possible to show the process of evolution, of development, of entropy reduction as the process of search for such balance with which there is a reduction of influences (+) and (-)  on the system and the range of capture and transformation of (+) and (-) energy hus increases, and this very system strifes for preservation of evolution process.

The intention of system to capture and to store (to transform)  more energy can result theoretically in that fact that this system will capture a certain part of the universe and will convert it to a new qualitative level.

Once the evolution process began it tries to stabilize itself on the larger levels, and all visible and invisible processes take place for keeping this process.

And life as a part of this evolutionary process can be preserved only as the process of qualitative development.

Life purpose is the process of development. All systems that do not develop die (as the systems striving for stabilization at a given level).

All parts of our large Ecosystem exist according to the same laws, as the whole Ecosystem

That wtat is above is like that

what is below.

Hermes Trismegist.

Hence life purpose of each person is either in his/her individual development or his/her contribution to the development of the whole Ecosystem, that is shown in reproduction.

The analogy is an amplifier of electrical fluctuations. Using milliwatts we control watts.

The principle of amplifier construction: a minimal power capacity at input operates a maximal power capacity at output - (analog system).

Voltage variations in input alter proportionally voltage in output (creation of a powerful copy), and if an amplifier is more perfect, it is more sensitive, it has good efficiecy and minimum of nonlinear distortions.

The direct analogy cab be made to a man: task assignment – task performance. If a person is more perfect, he is less noticible for the people around (small level of fluctuations in input circuit and great level of fluctuations in output. ).

At the level of a man (as a system) the development is characterized by constant increase of an energy potential, and this process comes to an end by qualitative leap into a new state of existence. For an outward observer such transition will seem as man’s disappearance.



The development of a man or another system is the increase of control-grid plate transconductance of current-versus-voltage characteristic. The initial voltage of displacement on base in output to a linear part of the characteristic is a usual hygiene, phisical exercises, etc. The increase of the steepness of this characteristic is possible through positive feedback. An amplifier becomes a generator at a certain level of feedback.

The essence of all energy processes (events) in the Universe is movement, the essence of life is the process of entropy reduction.

All processes in nature are oscillatory: birth and death of stars, galaxies, rotation of planets, human life, etc. All oscillatory processes interpenetrate from a smaller system into a greater system. For example: alteration of seasons on the Earth is oscillatory process, which is a part of the oscillatory process: rotatoin of the Earth around the Sun, which in its turn is a part of another, even greater oscillatory process.

It is possible to notice that the development of a system takes place only when it being a part of a system with higher order is in extremum of this very system.

For example: the system of galaxies and other star clusters came into being and continue to live when the system of the large explosion and primary substance has come to its extremum. The Earth is in the extremum of energy sendings of the Sun.

The criteria of the development of living things are:

1. The acceleration of entropy reduction processes.

2. The evolution is directed on reduction of a system scale.

3. A system of a smaller scale detaches itself from a system of a greater scale (at the extremum point - timeliness).

The system of minerals has detached itself from the solar system, the system of plants has detached itself from the system of minerals. If we go on there were detachments of the animal system and the human system. And each subsequent evolutionary system (stage) holds qualities of the previous stage, i.e. we can say that each subsequent evolutionary system knows about the previous one but each previous system knows nothing about the subsequent one.

The evolution of a man, as the continuation of a general evolutionary line, should take place according to the same principles, that is search and detachment in itself of a new system of a smaller scale which will have the qualities incomprehensible for understanding in the scale of a human being but containing human qualities (it’s difficult to remember dreams).

The aim of the this work is to trace the evolution way of the previous systems in order to find the laws and principles of their development, to race the development of the human system up to the contemporary level and to use this information for the further development of another system.

Development of a Human Being as a  System

Extremum of physical body development allowed living things to develop the emotional level. Extremum of emotional level favoured for intellect to begin its development. If we go further by analogy the extremum of intelect should cause some new qualitative development. And this takes place. Extremum of intelect has caused the next evolutionary stage which can be named as  “consciousness” – the knowledge about oneself.

Consciousness  has yet not reached  extremum (and even if it has reached it in someone we cannot know about it), and so the problem of man’s development is the problem of development of his consciousness.

As it was already mentioned above, each evolutionary stage after reaching its  extremum, begins to move in two directions: entropy reduction by detaching a new steadier system and entropy reduction by preservation of the achieved level of system development. (hyperdevelopment).

As an example, we can see the endless struggle of two beginnings in a man: the desire to be detached from the parent system and the desire to merge with the parent system.

And if you don’t understand what these desires are and how they are interconnected you can spend all your life fighting within yourself.

  A note:
All considered  functions about extremums which we speak about, mean not the process of system development but the process of increasing environmental pressure on the developing quality of a system. And we shall name by extremum the level of pressure at which there is an opportunity for new quality to develop within the system for narrower localization of the  system and so for its greater steadiness to outward pressure.


For analogy and for convenient understanding of the development of living beings we can take the development of engineering. The development of living beings differs from the development of engineering only by its independent developing. Engineering cannot do it independently but the laws of development are the same, since the concept of development exists irrespective of developing system, and the laws of development are universal for any system.

The basic law of development (for any system) consists in reduction of entropy level. The display of this law is already formulated at the level of living beings (1). The engineering process also goes according to the principle of taking more range of interaction with the world.


And we can see that all around happens like this: the more deeply we comprehend the secrets of substances, the greater energies we are able to control.

The more deep is the base, the higher construction it is possible to build. The root system of a tree is usually developed just as much as the overground part of it.

It’s like in the fairy-tale about the Immortal Kaschey(Beast): Ivan had to penetrate into the  essence of his existence to kill him - his death was in the end of a needle, the needle was in the egg, the egg was in the duck, the duck was in the chest, the chest was in the tree, the tree was garded by the dragon, etc.

So, in the fiftieth the conductivity was discovered in crystals of germanium and silicon by addition of indium to them, the first semi-conductor devices appeared, and now on this basis of it they are going to make artificial intellect.

Comprehending the inner structure of a man, his anatomy and physiology, we have partially understood the principles how a human body works, it allowed us to cope with various diseases, the life expectancy has increased. But a human body cannot exist only as a physical system, it is closely connected to emotional and intellectual spheres, and it should be considered (examined) always as a whole.

What’s the difference between the animated system development and the inanimate system development? If we are attentive enough, it’s quite clear that the difference is in their feedbacks. For example, we often do not take into account the channels of feedback during our treatment at all, and therefore this treatment is often ineffective. And may it be so that the development of living beings in a system goes according to the principle of increasing depth of feedback? If we look at the evolution of living systems we can notice that any qualitative change in a system is always characterized by the greater depth of feedback.

Now it is already possible to formulate the principle of development of living systems:

The search activity directed on increasing of depth of positive feedback with the environment, acheiving of a certain level in which helps to detach  a smaller system with higher organizational level from the given system.

And if we come back to the diagram (3), we can say that not only the movement to the left allows to move to the right but also vice versa, and this is a single process twirled by feedback, and  that’s why development always centres.

What’s positive feedback (autocatalysis of life)?

At the level of elementary microorganisms,  which there are still no nerve cells, the feedback channel (perception  - reaction) existed and exists right on the border separating the external environment of the organism from its internal environment. Proceeding from the standard theory of life beginning, we’ll consider how the feedback worked at the prebiotic level. For example: the elementary multimolecular systems - coacervates already had rudiments of feedback – they carried out metabilism of inward environment with the outer one. Probably, one main point of life beginning was the formation of a membrane which  has rudiments of selective permeability and separates a system from outer environment.

Can we define the life evolution as the evolution of membranes, which are as though convert outer environmental chaos into the order of inward one? And if the existence of inner environment was limited by a membrane we can name an intergrading subject, why not to name the existence of outer environment which is limited by the same membrane an intergrading object?

It’s possible to say that the death of a system is the destruction of a membrane which results in a penetration of outer environment into inward one  and vice versa.

For a person  the existence of outer environment  is often more real than the ixistance of inward one, his attention practically (when his body is healthy ) is directed  outwards by 90 %, the rest 10 % of attention is directed on obvious metabolism: feeding breathing, secretion.

And since living is a symbiosis of external and internal environments why we name by ourselves only its inner part?

The evolution of a subject is an extension of the borders of its perception. At the physiological level the  border of perception is a body, at the consciousness level the border (membrane) is attention.

But to connect evolution      unambiguously to the  increasing area of body surface is also impossible. There are quite fixed laws which limit body sizes. They are internal - chemical processes rate, sound speed, temperature, transfer rate of a nervous pulse, etc., and they are external, for example: the bigger an animal is, the less number of enemies commensurable with its sizes among living being it has.

It is interesting to analize living and evolution of various parasites, viruses, mushrooms, worms, crustaceans. At a certain stage of evolution some classes of living things begin to adapt to existing at the expense of others for some reasons. Mushrooms exist at the expense of trees, various worms  live at the expense of penetration into internal organs of animals (stomach, bowel, liver, lungs). There is a group branchiurans among crustaceans which parasitize on fish gills, causing sometimes their mass mortality.

Adaptation to parasitism causes in these beings reuction of various organs, digestive system, appendicular organs, and they can disappear at all. Some parasites change so much that their belonging to their kind can be established only by study their embryonic development.

At the same time we cannot condemn parasites, since the fact that they got, for example, into a stomach of a cow didn’t depend on their will but once having got there they were compelled to adapt.

It may be so that the tragedy of our society is in some way similar to the tragedy of an living thing infected by parasites, for example: the Stalin’s period suppressed almost completely any people’s initiative, deprived the right to make mistakes, and the people had nothing to do but to adapt to living at the expense of the instructions from above. The origin of such enormousofficialdom is also the consequence of fear to make one’s own decisions.

In internal environment of the social system as well as in inner environment of physiological organism the classes of parasites come into being, exist and progress under the same laws.

the physiological parasites the social parasites
helminths the bureaucrats
mushrooms drug addicts, alcoholics
viruses the gangsters


Life in inner environment of another, more advanced organism atrophies in the parasites not only unused parts of body, but also self-preservation instinct. There is the reproductive instinct which prevails.

  From here it is possible to draw conclusion that the principle of existence of parasites is their reproduction. But as the consciousness level of parasites is much lower than the level consciousness of the organism which they live in they cannot predict the dependence of their living on the living of this organism. By reproduction parasites destroy their house, their native land.

Knowing the principles of struggle with the physiological parasites we can find a method of struggle with the social ones. It may be that understanding of these principles will help to give up the attempts to make senseless actions: trying to change consciousness of a helminth, training it to live without using the organism but to work earning its living.

The absence (or unwaking) self-preservation instinct is a essence of any parasitizing system and vice versa, if the self-preservation instinct is involved more deeply, it becomes more strong and independent. And if the self-preservation instinct is less involved, this system becomes more parasitizing.

Let's generalize the stated above:

1. Any system seeks balance.

2. Seeking the achievement of balance forces the system to develop.

3. The system which has achieved balance becomes parasitizing system.

4. A parasitizing system must perish (at the end - even together with its parental system).


One of evolutionary branches of living thing on our planet leads us to dinosaurs. Why did the creatures with such hypertrophic body weight appear? Probably, it was the search for balance with the environment which was successful. Dinosaurs found balance, they had no enemies in the world of living beings and, accordingly, their development stopped. Now they were to wait for increasing of pressure on their system from any other system (climatic, for example), and the whole system perished. Usually the reasons why dinosaurs died out are examined only from one point: supernova outburst, glacierization, increase of concentration of uranium, etc., i.e. it’s possible to unite them all as the increasing level of pressure from the outer environment which the dinosaurs couldn’t bear. And the reason why they couldn’t bear the outer pressure is not taken into account. But this inner point of dying out is not less important than outer.

Besides, most progressing dinosaurs acqired a second brain during evolution, which was like head brain but in the area of a sacrum. The necessity of it was caused by final rate of a pulse through a nerve fibre. And if a dinosaur with such huge body size had no this additional brain, it would feel that his tail was bitten after his tail had been already bitten off some minutes ago.

The similar is with countries. The states occupying larger territories, should be more advanced in every way than the states with smaller areas. For maintaining equal balance with external environment the USA, for example, balanced their country through general computerization which is like the second brain of a dinosaur.

The phenomenon hypertrophy (hyperdevelopment) of any part of a body is a natural process during search for balance.

Well, the dinosaurs have died out but the search for balance is going on. In 60 millions years in nature there comes into being one new living being who pretends on finding balance in the environment – “a homo sapiens”.

We are witnesses and participants of the process. In the case with dinosaurs finding balance through body weight was not their decision but in the case with a man all was different. A man himself can already put a task of finding balance, for example: “the world must live in peace”, “our aim is communism”, etc., and first of all he models this process in his family. Especially it is with the today’s generation when the well-being of the people increases more and more and naturally one is less afraid of something.

  The up-bringing of children goes under the same laws. Material well-being allows to create for children conditions completely balanced-parasitic right from the first days: on the one hand, parents have opportunity to buy off children with various toys, clothes, etc., i.e. thus to support their balance and to provoke greater parasitesm in children at the same time. 

And naturally such children are absolutely not afraid of anything, as someone said: a Soviet man is sure about his tomorrow that is what we seek and what we are proud of. But this is is also death sentence.

The self-preservation instinct of a society (as a system) tries to realize itself through various ways, such as safety improvement (the Army), expansion of territories, and also through increasing the amount of individuals in a system (population).

According with the growth of safety in a system (parent) the self-preservation instinct of each cell in an individual will atrophy, the energy is distributed not equally between the self-preservation instinct and the reproductive instinct. The reproductive instinct becomes prevailing, the amount of population increases but simultaneously at the expense of weakened immunity of each cell life decreases.

  Immunity is one of displays of the self-preservation instinct. Its weakening leads to illnesses and system’s decay from within. Thus, for the normal development of a system it is necessary to maintain a right balance between elements of this system, in particular, if we speak about a State as a system this is a question of the size of its territory. Hyperdevelopment body size in a system results in weakening of its immunity, and it means that increase of external pressure (in an extreme situation) leads to illness and death. It can be traced both in dinosaurs and in countries. Small countries appear to be the most viable, such as the European countries or Japan but not absolutely small ones.

We can trace dysimmunity as a whole in parent and daughter systems.

Dysimmunity of the planet is the ozone holes.

Infringement of immunity of the State is wars and reprisals.

Infringement of immunity of a man is AIDS.

The reasons for decreased immunity of the mankind (as a system).

1. Cessation of the self-preservation instinct activity.

2. The excessive use of medicines does not allow even with simple illnesses to mobilize one’s own resources.

3. The increase of density of population.

4. The constant process of dullness of sensitivity connected with too many impressions, meals.


1. The ozone holes.

2. AIDS.

3. Degeneration of genofond.

4. Ecological crisis.

5. Crime wave.

6. The increase of suicides.

7. The increase of a children’s mortality (Russia).

Let's return to the research for feedback mechanisms, beginning with protozoa and finishing with a man.

At the cell level the evident enough example will be cancer diseases. The basic difference between a cancer cell and a healthy one is that it loses its feedback circuit with the body, it becomes simpler and becomes similar to independently existing unicell. That makes the initially differential mature cell look like its evolutionary more ancient ancestors, which had to reproduct a lot for their survival.

At a protozoa level of unicellulars, of viruses their feedback was carried out according to their feeding, i.e. the chemistry of intercellular space determined the dynamics of internal and external processes in a cell. Semi-permeable membrane perceiving a signal of external environment was programmed on stability of its state or on reproduction.

Let's skip for a while the time period which was before creatures with rudiments of intellect came into being, and let’s analise the dynamics of development of the vertebrata. Proceeding from the previous conclusions the ipportant condition of development is feedback. At the level of microorganisms and plants the feedback was directly such as: organism- external environment – organism. We intend by external environment a rather narrow part of external environment - meteorological conditions. At the level of the vertebrata it means the relationship with their like. So, with formation of a herd, there comes the hierarchy of relationship, or vice versa, the hierarchy of relationship causes formation of a herd.


But one thing is important: the gregarious system is much steadier against external environment changes than the system of a single organism.


The Evolution of a Man as a System


A man is a living being who differs from all other living beings qualitatively. We see from the definitions in the first part of this work that a man is one of highest stages in development of living things, he is characterized by a maximum level creativity, i.e. specific sensibility, perseption, transformation and use of energy. As this definition is given at the human level of development it is necessary to take into account from the beginning that it’s basicly impossibe to research the system in which you exist. It is necessary to make all definitions and researches directed on yourself with a probable inaccuracy of all considerations.

A previous evolutionary stage can know nothing about a subsequent one, and at the same time, a subsequent evolutionary stage understands the previous one easily. People can understand animals but animals do not understand people.

At the level of quantum mechanics physicists know how difficult it is to carry out experiments without breaking the whole procedure by scientific instruments. An observer brings in so many distortions to the process observed that the purpose of observation is lost.

There’s only one way out: “Any learning should take place in a highter state of mind” ( Castaneda).

“The human” evolutionary stage differs from “the animal”evolutionary system by the ability to direct attention iside and to ditiguish oneself from the environment.

Let's consider this stage of life evolution on our planet and the conditions in which there was a transition from an animal to a human.

A system can develop provided that the self-preservation instinct and the productive instinct in this system penetrate into each other and make this system complete.

As these instincts are differential (divided) in a man we can speak only about the evolution of that system which he belongs to and in which there is no division of these instincts, as the consequence the development of this system will become the development of a man. The parent system for a man will become the society, just as the parent system for a bee will be honey-bee colony.

It is impossible to speak about the evolution of a single bee without considering the evolution of a beehive (a bee dies, if it leaves her beehive for more than 6 hours), it is impossible to speak about the life of a single ant without taking into account his whole ant hill. It is only possible to speak about the evolution of species. If we look at a quantitative correlation of animal units in specific populations of living things, it appears that if species take a lower place in the evolutionary scale, there’s more its representatives on the Earth. All this is known for a long time,but if we take into account these laws and predict further possibility of evolution, it appears that if a living being is more highly developed it needs the community with itself similar.

Or in other words, if a system has a lower entropy level and is more organized it is more protected from external environment influence and therefore it requires less amount of its representatives.

As we already mentioned we shall name evolving (developing) system that kind of a system, in which the reproductive instinct and self-preservation instinct are not differentiated (are as a whole).

Now we should find out under what conditions it is possible for a man to have non-differential the self-preservation instinct and the reproductive instinct.

If we predict the possibility of existence of a human individual who is capable of his own evolving, then by analogy to evolution of species it should lead to the possibility of detaching of the evolving individual who acquired full independence, it leads to disappearance of the importance of social connection to the society. So, the evolution of the individual should result in qualitative transition to a new state of living, in which a physical body is only the environment for formation and development of something more individual and less entropic than what we name by “I”.

Thus we can present the stages of further evolution of a man as:

1. The detachment of oneself from environment.

2. Searching and identifying within oneself a certain substance which should have absolutely new, indescribable qualities that can roughly be presented by analogy as:

    - higher ability of world perception

    - higher level of freedom

    - higher security (invulnerability)

    - longer life expectancy

    - the ability to oppose oneself to a parent system


As we already mentioned the determining point of development of any system is attention. But the most part of attention is distributed inside the system and only a small part is directed on connection to the external world.

It is impossible to speak about man’s development as of a system up to a certain stage which can be named as the loss of a human form or enlightenment. This stage which can be named “rebirth” (by analogy to detachment of a baby from its mother), is characterized by detachment of oneself from one’s society and we’ll consider it separately. And only then, after acquiring self-sufficiency, relative independence, it is possible to begin exploring the opportunity of man’s development as a system.

As it’s well-known the basic man’s development after his birth takes place till the age of 9-10, i.e. up to the moment when the basic knowledge about the world is fixed in a body by chemistry. It’s a natural period when the self-preservation instinct and reproductive instinct are not differential in a man. With the beginning of sexual maturity the differentiation of these instincts starts and exploring of the world stops.

Sex Ì and F is a male half and female half. Coitus is an action in which there’s a sensation of  transcendence of

Sexual maturation means also ending of the period of children's integrity and beginning of a new life stage - search for another half. As in a womb, after the period of searching for each other, during the merge of an ovicell and a spermatozoon there is beginning of a completely new organism and the same way, on the Earth, in huge social womb people feel a brief moment of integrity during orgasm in a coitus. Practically all life is searching for another half at this stage in order to find this moment of integrity.

But here is significant difference: in a mother’s womb complete (impregnated) living being begins to develop sharply and for a short period goes through all stages of development of living beings and finishes its development at the moment of sexual maturity, at the moment when integrity stops. As the break of integrity causes search for a spouse, for a substitute, which is a partner, it also means signing a mortal verdict. Therefore, the nature has taken care of creation of someone similar.

If we try to predict possible further development, probably it will go similarly: an impregnated person must ripen up to a certain level of independence after going through all stages of pre-natal development in a womb – in a society so that when he leaves this womb inevitablely, it may be connected also with labor pains, shock and terrible stress for a newly born one.

Fertilisation in a womb means starting the mechanism of differentiation and integration of cells – the process in which a small weak ovicell and spermatozoons begin to devide and to develop intensively using the energy of their environment, i.e. their womb.

And as it was already mentioned the indicator of development is the increase of the area of a membrane which is “I” (it’s at the macrolevel), but at a microlevel we can see this process of pre-natal development when with the intensive cell division the total area of cell membranes increases constantly.


Darvin’s Theory


Natural selection is a driving force of evolution in all species of living beings to the direction of stabilizing the achieved development level. The additional conditions are necessary for qualitative development, namely a necessary and sufficient level of pressure.


At the human level the natural selection is shown in the following way: on the one hand, we got rid of external enemies with the help of intellect, and in this direction there is no necessity to increase new signs through natural selection. Now the pressure for a human being is the absence of pressure. The social well-being grows all the time, as the consequence, there’s access to many more impressions which have feedback with a man only at the level of emotions and in a smaller degree, at the the level of his I.Q., but they have no feedback at the body level, i.e. you needn’t to struggle for them.


At the animal level an emotion was shown as reaction of their body to getting a designation after searching directed on their survival and therefore it worked for the process of development. At the human level, an emotion is more often a reaction on an easy impression which has no feedback with a body and not causing danger. Such impressions are directed on weakening of a man, since their availability leads to sensitive atrophy and the process of lessening of sensitivity leads to necessity to get greater potential of impressions. The system gets into a vicious circle of increasing entropy which is now shown on the mass scale - the new generations of hard-hearted, voilent, infant people.


At the animal level of all species there are 2 ways how to get impressions (stabilization and development), at the human level they are several:


1. Parasites described above belong to the category consigned to extinction.

2. Creaters-stabilizers, the people whose potential of searching activity is aimed to develop protective networks, i.e. to improve well-being and to increase the amount of impressions.

3. Stabilizers-stabilizers, with a smaller level of strength, which don’t have searching activity and that’s why they cling to that what they have and do not allow people to move the second way (bureaucrats).

4. People who have searching activity in the direction of development (they are very few).


The evolution of open thermodynamically unbalanced systems,
in which the movement towards balance is carried out by reduction of system’s entropy


As it was already mentioned, the development goes along a logarithmic spiral at each evolutionary stage. When a certain level is achieved the system passes to the next level, at which the development goes on under the same law.

The graphic parameter of the development can be seen in the example with a shell of sea molluscs, spiral galaxies, etc.

Let's analyse the criteria of development, at which the development occurs through increasing the degree of system organization, what results in detachment from a parent system, the system with higher organizational level but of smaller scale at the same time.

As every subsequent evolutionary system of higher organizational level depends on the previous parent systems (because it feeds it), this process should always go on up to the moment when the system of the next organizational level counterbalances the parent system of a greater scale.

The process should aspire to beginning of systems of infinitely smaller scale, with an infinitely higher organizational level which will balance the systems of infinitely smaller organizational level with infinitely larger scale.

Eventually that can result in reversing of the world upsidedown.


But if we admit the infinity of the universe it is possible to admit also infinite changes in the transformation of systems with smaller order into larger order.

That is the infinitely greater ones should incorporate with the infinitely smaller ones in the world and they should penetrate into each other, and to be exact, the infinitely greater and the infinitely smaller ones are the same thing.

The development of systems goes on up to its extremum, at which their further development and organization goes through replacement of the previous parent system with the parent system of smaller scale, i.e. the parent system of my parent system becomes my parent system.

Why will the development extremum of self-organizing open thermodynamically unbalanced systems become a system with the advanced intellect and capable of self-awareness?

Just because the instincts (the energy of system), directed on survival, which pushed systems on increasing their organizational level, cease to work in the system with the advanced intellect, since through intellect they achieve that very balance at which there’s detachment of the system with the self-preservation instinct which works in the scale of the previous parent system. Consciousness begins to work with the help of intellect what allows to feel belonging to systems of greater scale.

Thus, consciousness is a turning-point in development of the open-ended systems.

Further natural evolution which works at the level of self-organizing living systems comes to an end at this moment.

The first turning-point in the evolution was the formation of living systems.

The second turning-point was the formation of conscious systems.

Intellect with rudiments of consciousness is a great achievement in evolution of systems but it becomes also the main enemy because at this moment the basic mover of the second stage of evolution ceases to work – that’s the self-preservation instinct (due to the achieved balance and well-being).

The self-preservation instinct is a process similar to autocatalysis in chemical reactions when one of the components in the reaction becomes its catalyst. Thus, with beginning of intellect in highly developed living beings the autocatalysis of living ceases working.

If we trace the pre-natal development we can see that a human embryo undergoes all previous evolutionary stages. After birth, till 9-10, it is also possible to say that a child undergoes a stage of continuation of evolution – the indicator of the development is the intensity of passing through all stages and only after reachingsexual maturity the intensity becomes lower.

This process was already explored from the view of a new birth out of the society womb). Now we’ll explore this process proceeding from the predictions of continuous development. As we already mentioned development is possible if the work of the self-preservation instinct is not allowed to stop in a system.

The Nature has supplied us with the self-preservation instinct also at the level of intellectual development. It is shown at a certain stage of children's development in the form of fear of death which is caused by nothing. And in children's psychiatry this phenomenon has its own diagnosis. It is possible that the formation of personality was influenced by various stressful events expirienced by the mother when the embryo was undergoing certain evolutionary stage. And the fixing at this stage causes children predisposition to something.

The first principle of thermodynamics.

Full energy of the system remains always constant in a closed system, there is only redistribution of energy. (the principle of energy conservation).


The second principle of thermodynamics.

The entropy cannot decrease in a closed system.

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The processes which take place in a closed system are directed on increasing total entropy in a given system. In a closed system there can be processes directed on entropy reducing in a part of this system, at the expense of increasing entropy in another larger part with simultaneous formation of a semipermeable membrane or at the expense of redistribution of energy at various levels of system’s existence.


The solvation of personal problems is possible by three ways:

1. Realization of desirable things.

2. Rearrangement of values.

3. Exceeding the limits of system.



At the ecology level this principle is shown as follows. The development of engineering - the reduction of entropy in a smaller part of the ecosystem - is carried out by way of increasing entropy in the greater part of the ecosystem. The energy necessary for development of engineering, is taken out from subsurface resources of the planet - petroleum, gas, wood, etc.

The solvation in the this situation will be only to switch to new levels of energy supply - superconductivity, thermonuclear synthesis, the energy of the sun, etc.

Pre-natal development


Let's begin with the moment when a spermatozoon has reached an ovule. The intensive division of cells begins. The resulted integrity allows to develop.

Influences are zodiac, its mother’s and father’s state, feeding, season.

Stages of pre-natal development:

25 days – a fish

50 days – a reptile

100 days – a bird

5 months – a mammal

6 months – an ape

7 months – a anthropoid ape

The further development goes on through these stages:

1. Searching for one’s second half.

2. Finding it and finding integrity.

3. Development up to an moment of leaving the parent system.

4. Leaving the parent system and breaking the integrity.

5. Searching for a second half.


Let's explore the stage of personality formation from the moment of birth and up to full maturity. This stage of development has different duration with different living things. A human baby is born naked, absolutely defenceless and it will not survive without further up-bringing.

The formation of the world perception and its description at this stage we can refer to the evolutionary stage of the world perception and description formation of primitive people. How their perception was formed?

As we already found out the development goes on by way of detachment of smaller “I” from the greater scale at the expense of the greater organization of the one who detaches oneself.

So populations which had the ability to carry out zoosocial hierarchy began to detach themselves from species. According to studies hierarchy was noticed in communities of fishes, lizards,     gnawing animals, carnivoras and ungulate animals. Hierarchy can exist only in a population where it’s possible to regulate the number of species.

Zoosocialization was a significant leap in evolution. The possibity of hierarchy in a community means a certain level of interaction between the members of this community. If the level of organizational interaction is higher a community  needs less number of species for its functioning as a whole independent unit.

In such communities competing to someone of their kind, there is constantly a problem of communication between the members inside the population.

The interspecific competition and the competition inside a herd forced each community to make their structure complicated, i.e. the preservation instinct in a population formed more new channels of interaction of species with each other. This mechanism allowed to develop interspecific communication such as smells, gestures, dances, shouts, even light (glowworms).

How much a mouse and a cricket differ. And meanwhile their hierarchy is almost alike, their similarity can be noticed even in details.

We do not explore development in details, that can be found in the appropriate books but we research what changes there were in an individual from the moment when he had the ability to denote subjects, qualities, emotional reactions and each other. The most important ability is to denote process, movement and each other. The perfection of speech has allowed to find the terms for designation of process duration and, at last, there comes the ability to predict and inner dialogue along with it.

As it is already known from researches of psychologists and physiologists, the third dimention of space depth takes place not because of stereoscopic sense of sight but because of there’s processing of the information in a brain which we get therough two eyes.  

Animals perceive the world as two-dimensional, since the appropriate parts of their brains resposible for predicting, are not developed (frontal lobes).

Predicting allowed a primitive man to make instruments for working, protection and attack.

What is predicting? Everyone knows that a screen image of TV set is flat, however, it is possible for us to perceive it in some manner as tridimensional. The missing stereoscopic quality is created in our mind.

We know from geometry how to calculate the vertex in a isosceles triangle when you know a certain corner and the basis.

The similar processing of the information takes place in a brain.


We know the distance between eyes which is S and the angle between vectors of a directivity which is a. The distance l is calculated by brain in a moment.

The distance between a subject and  an object is the depth of space, the distance between events is time. If an event is the perception of an object, the distance between perceptions of objects which gives impressions is time. An impression is the event which denotes the subject.

We feel alive through constant stroking (irritating) a membrane. We got used to denote the outer surface of a membrane through the same connection but now the object should become the external world of the subject, his sensation, experience and feelings.

The nature of perception of time and space is the same  - predicting distance between objects of attention in relative units.

It is impossible to go into the same river twice, it is impossible to come through the same door twice. The speed of perception of change in a situation unites space and time. In childhood the perception speed is higher, development is the increase of perception speed. We live between time and space. Development is the increase of speed of awareness: if one has more volume and weight its speed is lower. The perception of the microworld speeds we name space. It is impossible to speak when using the terms “space” and “time” separately. “Space and time” is space-time continuum which is focused at the centre of perception  (here and now).

By time we name the distance between the same object. The distance between different objects we name  space. Is time and space the same thing? A time machine cannot be created as well as a space machine. A space machine is also is a time machine, forward-back is prediction.

As soon as we get the opportunity to detach ourselves from the environment  (the self-attention), i.e. the process of self-awareness begins, roughly speaking:

Space – the planet – the society  - a man – intellect – consciousness – awareness – awareness of awareness ---------------- space.

Awareness begins at the point moment in consciousness when attention is directed on oneself as on a living being.

The evolution of consciousness is the process of revision, beginning with the revision of one’s life as personality and further in the return evolutionary order up to the cell level and further. And maybe as the revision of one’s personality makes a man free to accept any personality so the revision of the evolution allows to accept any form.

If we consider the evolution process as the search for relative balance with the environment (parent system), before consciousness began the search for balance was  carried out through perfection of forms and through ways of formal interaction.

With the beginning of consciousness there came the opportunity to assume and to experience in fact what will be the parent system for a individual and to begin search for balance already at the level of parent systems:

1. with the society.

2. with the Nature.

3. with the Sun.

If we proceed from the membrane concept of living, the eternal problem of existence of the world outside of us is easily solved.

The “I” is the membrane separating different entropy levels in a closed system.

The “I” is the process of comparison the movements of the worlds laying along both sides of the membrane.

The “I” is the world.     The world is the “I”.

The question of the existence of the world outside of us loses its sense.

How can there be “I” outside myself?


About money


The increase of perception speed is the increase of life intensity. The desire to earn money is the desire to increase life intensity of by finding freedom in getting impressions through money.

Thus, the desire to earn money is opposite to development. (If the very process of earning money is unconscious and directed on self-tracing).

At the same time the opportunity to earn money is not denied for development but in this case as soon as a minimum living wage is achieved this motivation disappears. Concern about money is the indicator of development to the direction of stabilization.

When a person grows up his attention channels  (reception of impressions) are blocked and we need a greater level of input signal to maintain the necessary level in output and it is realized through money.

Thus,  development is an extension of perception channels, their cleaning and  speed gathering; the indicator of development will be the level of money concern or its equivalents (a car, a summer residence).

If a man is engaged in reducing the level of his own entropy, there naturally should be a process of increaseing the efficiency of money and its equivalents.

The energy equivalent of attention need is money. Attention channels can be explored by isotopes, that’s money.

Sensitivity is determined by cleaning of a channel:

The world – the world description  - the “I”, in the field of individual matrixing.

The level of feelings is determined not by a matrix topography but by the chokage level of percepting channels, and if the differentiation at the sensitivity level takes place only because the reading is performed also at the position of an individual matrix.

The formation of sensitivity begins at the moment of birth and may be - at the moment of a conception. The prevailing instinct at that period is the self-preservation instinct  which is shown as sucking and imitative reflexes.

In fauna hunger forces a baby to search for its mother’s  nipple, we can show this process as:

1. Hunger inside (attention is inside).

2. The attention is directed outside.

3. The searching activity begins outside which comes to an end when there’s no hunger inside.

Thus, in brief: hunger - searching - saturation.

The first feedback circle with the world:

Hunger (negative) - searching - saturation (positive).

If a bady has no opportunity to feel hunger and it is fed in advance, anticipating its whims, then this feedback circle with the world becomes defective, since there is already no negative component ( hunger) which causes searching activity and there is only positive component (food).

It is similar if we consider the dullness of other sensitive perception channels. The  Nature  always evolved on a edge between insufficiency and redundancy. The basic sensitive channel of perception is visual, which must resonate with a rhythm of day and night alteration.

Humans created a skew in redundancy to the direction of tonal we stretched  day period by electricity - light, TV, communication, initially we gave importance to rational things, i.e. night is rest time in order to be involved in daily cares with new strength.

For restoration of balance (if there is necessity for development) we must to create a return skew, i.e. to direct our attention on night time. Day time is to enter night time consciously, to structure day time so that inner dialogue wouldn’t go on after twilight began, etc., i.e. to use forces, which is around us and direct us.

Development is the process of displacement of the edge between insufficiency and redundancy (in the area of consumption) to insufficiency but in businesses, actions, strength and perception it must be displace to redundancy. It means development is the increase of efficiency. The basic instinct of impression reception is the interaction between one’s progressing tonal.

Why can a tree (not all kinds) continue reproduce itself independently but a man cannot?

A tree is complete structure: a underground part is Yang, an above-ground part is Yin. People and other animals can reproduce only when they find integrity at the physical level - a man is Yang, a woman is Yin.

The minimal social group necessary for evolution consists of 4 people.

1. Leaves are the left externals.

2. Branches, the stalk and the trunk are the left internals.

3. Powerful roots are the right internals.

4. Small roots are the right externals.

Besides there is a certain division depending on the development level, on sensitivity, so there are weak plants - grass, bushes, trees.


About energy


The energy for developing a new quality comes through the feedback with all previous parent systems.

The interaction with the Sun, with the ground, with stones, with  air, with water stimulates the energy of physical plan. The interaction with vegetative and fauna stimulates the energy of the emotional plan. The interaction with people and engineering stimulates the energy of intellectual plan.

All this can help a new quality to come into being - consciousness.

Besides the stimulation of energy at all the levels is possible with the right usage of the basic fuel at the process through breathing and feeding.

The necessary basic condition for all kinds of interaction is observance of the principle of redundancy -insufficiency (Yin - Yang).

The development of a new quality always occurs at an internal level and with the sufficient degree of development this quality is shown also at an external level, therefore the period of external activity should be accompanied by the period of internal activity.

Intellect provides predicting (perception of space and time). The lack of training in prediction causes incorrect use of ability to predict.

Development is learning how to predict at the level of internal activity with its application at the external level ( theory and practice). Mistakes are made  in case of hyperdevelopment of the external activity level and as a consequence  there’s low efficiency and breakdown.

In case of hyperdevelopment of internal activity which is indulging, paralyzation at the external level, fear what also results in mistakes at the external level.

The learning should begin with finding the place of a skew that’s hyperdevelopment of the external or internal level and than conscious redistribution of energy (attention) from the main level  to another one (passive).



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