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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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Non-doing as a Source of EnergyAs we have already found out all evolutionary transitions always go on a limit of abilities of a system, and not only on a limit of abilities of training consciousness, if we speak about evolution of consciousness but also on the limit of abilities of the previous levels, such as physical, emotional and intellectual levels. The previous levels play already a part of the system’s energy pumping. As an example we give you small amount of extreme practices. Physical levelIt’s when you constantly maitain your fitness by physical exercises. Here anything you like will do: transsergrity, yoga, tsi-ghun, poundage, jogging, etc., the important thing is a good sweat. Feeding - fasting, uncooked plants diet Breathing - overventilation of (riberfing), breath-holding Temperature - sauna bath, cold pool, daily cold showers Sound - extremely loud music with resonances in a body, music for mrditation Tactile – painful massage, Kooznetsov’s applicator, light touches Sex - Tantra, complete long-term continence Sleep - training for absence of sleep Sensory isolation Emotional levelLaughter - to switch on sense of humour Training simulators of fear - high jumps on an elastic string, walking with the closed eyes Surely, it’s difficultly to consider each level separately, as all of them are wedded, and this division is only conditional.
Intellectual LevelWe develop our intellect at school, at high school but what’s important to do it constantly, i.e. everyone must train one’s brains on a limit of abilities in one's discretion and predisposition.
Consciousness LevelTraining attentiveness to oneself, stopping innerl dialogue. A set of non-doings, offered by Castaneda here will be good such as conscious dreaming, run of strength, etc. There are a lot of sites with in the internet with the recommendations how to stop inner dialogue, that’s why we’re not going to repeat it. On the whole, it is necessary to understand that only self-excitation at all the levels constantly allows you to make energy transition and if you are lucky and this will happen then you can have a rest.
To be continued. |
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