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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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RebirthAll of us left mother’s womb at one time and though we don’t remember what was happening to us for 9 months but we can assume that these were difficult days, the mechanism of cytokinesis was started, therefore going through the previous âèäîâûå changes under the crash programme, i.e. getting the attributes ctenophores, chordates, amphibians on turn …. At last we come into the world as human germs, which we can name as people if they develop also personality along with the parallel final formation of a physical body. Just as the genetic code was the program by which a body was formed, so there is also the social genetic code by which personality is formed. We know how it’s importan in what environment a child is brought up and how much his personality features depend on that. So, let’s admit that there is a second, social womb which can be good, favorable or bad. What does a good social womb mean? Let's formulate tasks: We need to provide such conditions of social environment in which our child or me could pass all stages of personality growth as they are described by Podvodny and leave the social womb for the next one having met the deadline. At first we shall consider ideal conditions for formation of a mature personality. 1. The presence of both parents so that it could be possible to imitate them. 2. Parents should have no pity for themselves. Why are these necessary conditions? We know that we’re growing only through overcoming difficulties. And just like living things which evolved due to the self-preservation instinct which was absolutly ruthlessly switched on in them by nature, so we should part with the pity for ourselves if we want to develop further and to develop our children. It’s the key and a very difficult moment for understanding and realization. Everyone wants to develop on the reproductive instinct, i.e. to eat carrots, certainly it is more pleasant than with the help of a stick but it is necessary to see clearly after reaching this carrot the development comes to an end. It is possible to move indefinitely far on the self-preservation instinct if energy is enough. 3. There should be a living space large enough so that parents were not constantly present, i.e not to allow a child to describe them completely. Parents should be a kind of a mystery, only then there is a increased interest to parents, and there will be no opportunity for them to fall in estimation of children, i.e. there should be a distance. 4. A child should not be the only one. 5. A child should not get anything fo free he should earn everything. 6. There should be someone whom a child will be afraid of, only then a child will become closer, and love his parents. We can list still many more items but it is necessary to understand the main thing - it is necessary to wake in a child the self-preservation instinct and this instinct will make all for you. What’s important, this instinct doesn’t allow a child to identify his personality with his soul. And later how much a child would assert himself, this instinct will not let him forget about himself, about life, about death and it will always be his adviser in difficult situations. Why is the infant level and the integrated one (according to Podvodny) are similar in some way – the matter is that an infant person hasn’t still anything and an integrated person hasn’t already anything. The first hasn’t yet joined social games up to the end and the second one has already played enough. And he has not only played enough toy cars but also all other games which adult people play. A person becomes integrated not only because of any internal development and understanding but also as a consequence, because of development in social external space. Therefore, if you consider yourselves to be an integrated person but you don’t have money to buy a car, a cell phone, you haven’t still found your truelove or you’ve forgotten about such feeling as love a long time ago, you live in the uncomfortable housing conditions, moreover you have no friends and you show yourself in the world only through the screen of your monitor, moreover not your own, one but working, my congratulations for you - you on a right way to self-deception. If you have rich parents and all listed above you got freeload, it’s also not taken into account. If you consider yourselves to be an integrated person but at the same time you declare your objective to help people, you divide the world into good and evil, if you are not afraid to die or you postpone your way for your next rebirth, if you are afraid of people, especially of the opposite sex, if you feel that you’re constantly deceived, if you can be angry with somebody, my congratulations for you once again on the same. Besides if you have constantly no time, your efficiency is very low, and while it’s not too late you should think about it. It is impossible to pass on life experience and personal strength. In the West children leave their families after graduating from college and they are forced by their own forces to make their way to the society. In any womb a link between an embryo and the environment should be energy connection. In a womb it is a naval-string through which the blood comes. In the social womb a naval-string is the channel of approval-disapproval. It’s difficultly, certainly, to face up to the fact that we are in some social womb and all we are sooterkin but if we are not afraid to open our eyes then we can see that is really so. Simply nobody defined the concept egregor as a social wobm. Again I refer to Podvodny, he rather precisely described the connection with the egregor of personality at each level, and at the same time it is marked in right manner that with the personality growth the dependence on the egregor decreases. The concept “ asocial womb”, unlike the concept ”egregor” evokes in consciousness an available image which all of us know. Egregor is a too uncertain concept for figurative perception, everyone adds to it his own guesses and sensations, so I’ll use here the term “ a social womb”, instead of the term “egregor”. An infant person cannot be usually perceived as a personality, it is a part of the social womb (egregor) and dependence on it is maximal, i.e. the naval-string – the channel of approval-dissaproval is very thick, it has size of a man. With personality growth the process of thinning of this naval-string begins, i.e. something one’s own begins, one’s own ideas, tasks, experience. If it goes all right and with the necessary speed, at the age of 33-35 a man can be quite developed and make his first ebergy transition. It’s like leaving a physical womb is a birth trauma, stress and loss of orientation, the same is with leaving the social womb which is attended by similar displays in mentality and in a body. Ego destruction is an irreversible process and it is caused by the fact that the naval-string, i.e. the channel of approval-disapproval is fully cut off and has withered but the new channel of connection with the next womb is not formed yet. Thus, all ambitions and social values are gone, even knowing that you don’t depend on approval any more doesn’t bring you energy. Here it is important not to die, as was told by Castaneda: “If a man parts with his human form on a limit of his energy resources, he can lose his body together with the form”. Though the preparatory period goes slowly, the very process of transition takes place during a rather tight schedule, and now a man already cannot be named “a human”, since he has nothing human in him left, except for his appearance.
The next period is the period of adaptation to thenew state, it’s
rather difficult, all objectives are lost, all goals are achieved, even
the self-importance does not bring joy. Here the group should play the
role of sister. Even if not all members of the group have achieved this
state, anyway the group should support the head of a newborn, swaddle
him and take care of him till he stands on his feet again. Certainly,
it’s an allegory but it’s very close to a reality.
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