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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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Fasting as a Way of Personal Strength Accumulation.What is hunger? It’s a rather diverse sensation connected both to physiology and to personality. Now we’ll not consider the ways of satisfaction of this sence, and is researched two making these feelings: physiological - a queer feeling in the pit of the stomach and personal - strengthening of physiological sense by imagination or in other words, by creating images of food. Certainly, I admit there are people which don’t know this sense and satisfy this sense before it begins by constant eating something but I think you who’s reading these lines is not one of them. So, what do we have with hunger: 1. The energy, the motivation directed on search for food. It is possible to say there is a feeling of love for food and a desire to merge with it. 2. Irritation, anxiety, aggression, discomfort, weakness, if there is no opportunity to have a meal at once. What do we have from eating food: 1. A sense of satisfaction the so called orgasm from merging with that what we love. 2. Getting impressions from taste sense modality and visual sensations.
Whatever it was, hunger raises energy. And since there is additional energy we can use it. Those who had to fast for a long time for health-improving purposes or for sport interest they probably noticed that from a certain day of fasting everyone’s self-importance (SI) becomes notably weaker individually. Fixings disappear, there is some internal open space. But as soon as one begins to eat everything comes back to its place. Here we’re approaching the most important thing. Self-importance is attached to food as to its base. Certainly, if you quit eating at all but then you have to say good-bye to your self-importance together with your body. But we’ll not take into consideration such variant. From the history we know that under the legends Buddaq, Christ, Piphagor, Ramakrishna and many others who managed to get rid of their self-importance fasted for a long time. It is surprising, that in the internet a great amount of sites are devoted how to work with one’s self-importance and to search for freedom but I’ve not found somewhere in these sites such elementary and obvious practice of overcoming oneself as fasting was mentioned. Or in other words, the practice of how to clearing oneself from the dependence on food. In general, what is it necessary for it and how is development connected to food independence. We speak about development as about the process of clearing from different dependences, development of other spaces, both external and internal, freedom from food, sex, money, approval of the people around, it’s the first thing to begin the process of clearing. Only one thing is necessary to understand rightly. I don’t mean complete renunciation of food, sex, approval but independence on all it and not from a position " is not present - and it is not necessary " but from another position, namely, from right arrangement of priorities. If a person knows how it feels to have freedom personal strength it’s not difficult to put these feelings in the first place on the scale of his own values. Only having such basic orientation fasting should be started. And actually there is no importance what kind of fasting you choose: long or short, dry or with water, with a evacuant enema or without it, it may be undereating simply – it’s not important, what’s main is to apply such minimal mode of a feeding when you have to live with constant slight hunger. Moreover, the dominant sensation should certainly be the other sensation – self-overcoming, passion and free energy. Of cause, if you choose undereating it should be high-grade qualitatively. If you choose uncooked plants diet - it is not necessary to stuff your stomach with cabbage – you won’f feel satisfaction all the same. Especially it would be desirable to note complete and long fasting when the system of values is reconstructed automatically. From my own experience and from the experience of my friends I’ve noticed that with in some unexplainable way, with regular fasting periods one startss to store personal strength and the sensation of self-overcoming, the system of values is reconstructed, elements of the system are interchanged their position and begin to become stronger in their new places. That what once was very important becomes senseless and vain, the world opens up with new coulors. It is especially important to practice fasting if you cannot cope with different kinds of indulging. Usually after 10 days of fasting any indulging disappears. But if after fasting indulging begins again fasting should be continued. And so till indulging completely disappears. The principle which underlies this practice is very simple. If your body doesn’t get basic energy first of all it ceases feeding its most unimportant parts in a natural way. And this part is self-importance. Certainly, if while you’re fasting you induldge because of food or someone is forced to fast as this was done in death camps personality degrades. So - no violence. All should be done with one’s own intention. The real change in world perseption comes when the total time of fasting reaches 1 year period. Of cause it may take about 5 years but it’s worth doing that. Here I’m not going to speak about improving function of fasting, you can read about that in many other sites. Let's try to structure the stages of energy process of feeding. 1. The period without food. 2. Stomach urges to eat (has drained in under ëîæå÷êîé). 3. Brain starts to create images of possible satiety. 4. Stomach begins to produce gastric juice. 5. Hunger intensifies. 6. Brain orders to hands and legs to search for food. 7. Food is found. 8. Saliva is produced intensively. 9. The process of merging with food starts. 10. The mechanism of feedback (reflex) is switched on which will not allow to stop even when hunger disappears. 11. Hunger disappears. 12. The process of eating goes on. 13. The saturation comes. 14. If there’s something mouth-watering within of eyeshot one can’t helt stuffing it into one’s mouth. 15. There is a sense of overeating. 16. The mechanism of feedback is switched off. The relative level of personal strength is easy for define if you admit honestly yourself at what of these items you can tell stop yourself, to finish the process and not to indulge because of food. If thus the higher you can get in this scale, the more personal strength you have. Once again I want to remind you that such self-estimation is rather conditional since in fact it is necessary to estimate yourself as a whole. As you can see in the scale the best way is to break off the chain after item 2 when the brain has not yet received order about probable saturation, the stomach will still show itself for some time soon will calm down. Now we approach the main thing. To become free from food in personal aspect, it is necessary to learn how easily to break off the chain after item 2 order: there’s food no and there will not be no food. Indulging in food stops and it is possible to be without meal any time depending on the task put and resources of your body. Certainly, it’s only the preliminary stage of geting rid of food dependence. The basic stage will be when food will not be necessary for your physiology. But it will take place when you will manage to become free of your physical body, that is to master life in your energy body. It is very dangerous generally to eat very tasty food, in the nature there’s no food lie that I do not even mention the food with artificial taste intensifiers. Such food can be refered to drugs. Under the legend in Ancient Sparta cooks who prepared very tasty dishes were killed. What happens in a body when you eat very tasty food? Our bodies easily acquires conditional reflexes. Why after you’ve eaten one tasty sweet your hand reaches for a next one? Here already the reflex works. It’s like with Pavlov’s dog: the closed circle- eyes see, mouth waters, the hands are reaching for a sweet. Pleasant sensations in one’s mouth demand repeating of a cycle. And so it goes on up to vomit. Thus taste sense modality with their force block more subtle sensations of self-awareness and at such moments it’s easy to fall down into unconsciousness.
Let's generalize the above-stated
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