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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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Concentration of AttentionIf a person can grasp more outer space by his attention, we do not mean that he has just seen or noticed it but he counterbalanced it, he has put it in order with the help of his energy, then he can gather more energy in a point, he can concentrate fixing his attention on something. Of course, if your attention with the ability to control it cannot expand further than your own desk, the strength of your fixing it can hardly change anything in your consciousness. Vice versa, if you have mastered the most part of space, both external and internal, having accumulated thus critical mass, when you concentrate your attention in a point, your consciousness is capable of collapsing. It means the mechanism compressing to a point all your personal strength, all your energy which you have, can be switched on and will be turned upside down in the other world. Here the prototype can be a callapsing star which falls down on itself and turns into a black hole leaving this world for another one. Collapsing can begin only in the star with certain critical mass.With reference to a man his personal strength stored through actions determines critical mass and the intention is a compressing and fixing factor. (to gather intention – according to Castaneda) So everything is determined by actions. It is very important to accumulate wide life experience through overcoming various life difficulties. It’s useless to be engaged in concentration, if there is nothing to be concentrated on and there is nothing to be concentrated with. It’s like in optics, all depends on capacity of a source and on perfection of focusing system. Review is carried out in order to gather all parts of oneself in a point which are scattered in your life space. Review also allows to transform the accumulated experience into personal strength. Before you begin working with the internal space, it is necessary to make it visible. If you don’t do it you’ll be like a blind man who’s going to build a house by feel. It’s also necessary to understand such thing. It is impossible, or to be exact, it is useless to be engaged in external things and to master internal spaces simultaneously. For these things certain periods should be given. How can one start to show one’s internal world? One thing is when we take a brick by feel, spread a grouting and we lay bricks of a wall, another thing is when we see and control the process visually. So, first of all, we need to understand and to take the necessary sequence of actions. Many dreamers noticed for sure how it is easy to get into a coscious dream after a strong emotional excitation, for example when you’ve been to a disco. If the involvement with external actions is greater it’s more difficult to be switched on internal things but it is possible to free more energy. If dispassionateness to external activities is great, it’s more easy to get into internal space but if you get there with fewer energy you would not stay there for a long time. There works a principle of a pendulum lever. It’s more possible to deviate to another direction with the greater amplitude to one direction, under condition of no obsticles. You’d better work over these obsticles in the beginning of your way inside of yourself. It’s clear we are brought up to master only our external world, to which it is also possible to associate with our feelings, emotions, experiences. We can only guess about causative energy world or we know it by hearsay. It’s worth going there, if you decided to learn how to control the process of your living on this planet. The most harmonious way of development was already described (Evolution Theory), concerning human development this rule is applied like this: a step outside – a step inside, i.e. any action in the external world must be counterbalanced by a subsequent review or research in the internal world. If one lives by this rule when one’s internal activity counterbalances the external activity it is possible to stay in a rest point and to be an observer. A typical phrase of many Teachers: “Stop, let your mind become silent, it’s impossible to fulfil al things” is refered to the ones who cannot counterbalance their external activity though some understanding. But only living by this rule, through constant increase of the external and internal activity amplitude or else through the extension of perception it is possible to accumulate sufficiant amount of personal strength for further transformation. The most important thing in the way of life movement like this is to notice in time the moment when there’s a skew and imbalance of this or that direction what is easy to control by the increased activity of inner dialogue. If you get in a jet, the intensity of your life will increase constantly so that you will be in a rest point. It is an indicator of development. Certainly all depend on the strength of your intention. Just to have a desire is not enough. It is very easy to check if you have an intention. Notice a time interval between problem setting and its performance. Do you often put things off for a day after tomorrow which can be done today? Here the matter is not in the importance of a task, there are no things which are more important than any other things on the way to realization of your Overall Objective. The intention if you have it is displayed in everything, beginning with simple things such as – when you see dust, you feel disorder – you clean dust. The movement toward your Overall Objective consists of realization of several intermediate stages. The circuit of events is formed, in which each part should be perfect. So it is necessary to review one’s life from these positions. Are you surrounded by unnecessary things, are you connected to unnecessary people, do you do unnecessary acts which are in no way connected with your Overall Objective? If you have it in your life, it’s better not to deceive yourself – you have no Overall Objective.
Desires and Needs
If after reading clever books we decide to get rid of tour desires we meet the problem of realization of what was conceived. Many seekers stumble overr this idea. Let's consider a simple and natural desire – to indulge. Actually it’s not a desire but a need though we say: “I want to a restroom". How do desires differ from needs and dreams differ from desires? Everyone knows for sure - when there is a need to go to a restroom we simply make it an end and we do it without thinking. And the end is put not by us but by the Spirit and we just turn the intention of the Spirit into our intention. If there are obstacles on our way to restroom we overcome them successfully and there are no doubts whether my Way right or wrong? On our Way to a restroom there is no inner dialogue there is only steady intention. What’s the most interesting is that you make this Way several times a day not thinking about a Great Principle laid in it. And the principle is such - if you on a right Way, first of all you feel it with all your body. On a right way there’s no doubt about the correctness of the Objective. On a right way you don’t struggle with desires. The desires which arise are directed on overcoming of obstacles and on acceleration of the process of achieving the Objective are called not desires but needs. So, note that steady intention arises only when there is a physical need. The struggle with desires should be started with right objective setting only then the energy from the channel of desires flows into the channel of needs and an inner dialogue stops. Thus the amount of needs can greatly encrease, everything depends on complexity of an object in view. But don’t be afraid, all of them will be supplied with intention and strength, they will work for the extension of perception and won’t cause any concern or inner dialogue, provided that you have mastered a the position described above and you’ll stay a rest point. As approaching the Objective the amount of needs will decrease naturally. We got used to mean a desirable object by our objective even we say: “I have a desire to achieve the objective”. If an Objective is set by mind, it’s not an objective but a desire. Is it possible to put a task to go in a toilet without having any physical need? If you are sensere enough within yourself and you feel you cannot set a supertask, resonant with a body, because a true objective always goes from the Spirit, then you have to understand it is necessary to establish connection with the Spirit at the first stage. No objective set by our mind can compete to the objective set by the Spirit through our body. Ther’s only thing to do - to turn the intention of the Spirit into your intention, it means to surrender. If you feel you cannot to set connection with the Spirit by your own efforts, it is necessary not wasting your time to search for a teacher. A Teacher’s task is to clear away a channel of connection with the Spirit in a diciple and after that everythingl will happen naturally. Only then it will be possible to say that you are the Way. From this moment you needn’t a teacher, you will be guided by the Spirit. So: - Dreams are the images of the desirable, not supplied by ability. - Desires are a rational motivation formed by comparison. Desires arise because of absence of an Objective. - An objective is a motivation determined by the Spirit and is shown as a need. Iyou feel it with all your body. The means of objective achievement are formed in mind. The ways of realization are caused by necessity and are provided with the energy of intention.
- The attempt to make the absence of desires an objective which is
declared in many teachings, many people were mauled by them of who
could not see the absurdity of such task and who suppressed blindly all
their desires during many years.
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