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Practical Evolution of Consciousness |
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Lev Sitnikov |
Russian version
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So, let's have a look what way we have to go through to make a qualitative evolutionary leap.
1. To understand at what personality development stage you are. 2. To understand to what psychotype you belong to. 3. To join a group or to create your own grouf of 4 people who are adherents, (by a rule about the psychotypes), creating your own egregor. 4. All of you must reach the integrated personality level. 5. At the same time all of you must form a dream body. 6. All off you must learn how to cooperate with each other closely, both in wake hours and in a dream body. 7. The next stage is to unite your dream body with your personality/ It'll be done by nature since the mechanism will be started and the chain reaction will begin, as in a womb when a spermatozoon meets an ovule.
If you reach 7-th stage the questions about further way will disappear because you will be connected to a power which will lead you further. Now, the main question is where can you get energy for all this? Here we came up to viruses. I recommend you the book by S.P. Rastorguyev Contamination as a Way to Protect Your Life. Viruses: biological, social, mental, computer. I don't want to waste energy repeating that what was already written by someone at one time, I recommend you to read it and then we can go further. We know how the vaccination improves immunity, we know that according to Darvin the natural selection on the principle of "the stongest one survives" moved evolution of species. We know the best things man does are always done under pressure (when we are forced to the rails), simple curiosity or interest is not enough. All of us have enough of internal energy for development, it is important to learn how to get it free. It is necessary to admit to ourselve that we'll never get under pressure voluntary but it's possibles contaminate yourself at all the levels. At the physical level - one should not be afraid of illnesses (the struggle with an infection trains immune system). At the social level - one should a small tyrant (according to Castaneda). At the mental level - one should be aware of the fugacity of one's existence ( remember about death). At the logic level - one should put this task to oneself as the only one and the most important. Let's stop inventing things, all was invented by the Nature for us long time ago. Let's just follow already given direction long time ago without escaping from pressure. If you and me have came to this planet and we live on it, probably the way which was chosen by the Nature for evolution is right and now we must just not deviate from it. With the help of what energy was there the development of living beings on our planet? Without looking for details it is possible to say that with the help of the self-preservatioinstinct and the reproductive instinct. Now, have a honest look at yourself: whether your self-preservation instinct works or not, most probably not. Well, but the reproductive instinct surely works, moreover, with such energy! Now, it turns out that there is a terrible disbalance - because living starts to be safe in the advanced society. The energy of the self-preservation instinct becomes free and gets into the channel of the reproductive instinct, that's why all people have hypersexuality. And the main instinct -self-preservation - was transformed into the instinct of self- importance preservation. Let's think about motives. Whether is only curiosity enough for steady progress? Let's be honest: the development at the level of satisfaction of one's curiosity is not development at all. The development at the level of the self-assirtion is certainly taking place. Here there is seething with the social, egregors' energy but all this is within the limits of framework and according to the program given by the egregor. What is necessary to make a qualitative evolutionary leap, i.e. to make your way on this planet up to the limits of your abilities, just as once your spermatozoon became the winner in the races to your ovule, it met the deadline, and now you can read these lines. Let's have a look at qualitative transitions which were made by the Nature on our planet before you and me came into being. This question was explored in detail on Eugine Lutzenko's site. If one traces this direction, there will be such sequence: Minerals - plants - animals - humans - consciousness. With the beginning of a human being on the Earth, the evolution of the forms is finished. Why did it happen because of beginning of civilization? With beginning of the frontal lobes in living beings, there comes the ability of abstract thinking, and as the consequence, there comes the opportunity to identify oneself in the environment, i.e. to realize oneself. By the way, let's define the term "consciousness". What kind of meaning has it? You won't find any sensible explanation in any explanatory dictionary. In fact, it is very simple, let's have a look at ethymology: it's knowledge about our own existence. The development of consciousness is the development of this ability, i.e. the process of more and more research and understanding of yourself, the ability to control and to reprogram. The evolution at the level of forms is finished. For millions years the Nature worked to create you and me, now we, as a part of the Nature, can appreciate it and tell ourselves a thank but it's only the beginning of the next stage, when the Nature, which is the same as you and me, makes the next qualitative leap and allows us to go through the next stage of evolution at the consciousness level. It took the Nature millions years to make each qualitative transition, now the Nature has given us a chance to make the next transition for one human life. So, it all depends on us if we miss this chance - there won't be another one. Let's come back to viruses. What kind of virus should be started to switch on the self-preservation instinct which pushes on all evolutionary processes on the planet? Certainly - the fear of death but not the total fear which makes people mad but the one which can be controlled. All of us don't want to see an obvious thing - nobody will give us a guarantee that we'll stay alive one more day, all of us are in some trap. Why do we speak about development but do it in our free time? Look at your life. Which one can tell that each moment of one's life is subdued to the only one thing - to the search for freedom and the crave for a vctory over the womb. With such speed of progress we will just be late, therefore it is necessary to resign ourselves to the idea of death and to think something out about life after death, about reincarnation, etc. That's self-pity -that does not allow us to move. The Nature doesn't have any self-pity, all evolutionary leaps occured up to the limit of the abilities of the system. What's self-pity? It's prediction of probable pain, physical as well as inner. Personal pain always shows itself when we try or we're forced to leave the limits of the womb - that pattern, in which we live as individuals. I think, it's clear to you and I need not describe it in detail. Let's try to step over the basic point of self-pity right now - we must admit that if we die and are buried nothing will happen any more. We have missed the chance and we have lived in vain.
To be continued.
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