Here we can see that during personality development
- the level of sensibleness becomes higher
- the dependence on society decreases
- the significance level at first grows,
then at a stage of the youthful personality it decreases.
At what development level can a man feel and accept that he's
not a nagual? As we can see in the diagram it takes place at the moment
when he begins to reduce the level of his self-importance, i.e. at the
youthful personality level the energy which is used for his
self-importance, becomes free and the ability to be realistic and
attentive to oneself grows. A man begins to search actively for a
Teacher at that period.
Similarly to formation of a personality there's the formation
of a dream body and the main link between a personality and a dream
body is consciousness.
A dream body is a inverted personality. During wake hours the
crucial moment of consciousness development is the ability to stop
inner dialogue and to watch oneself; during sleep the basic building
material for the formation of a dream body is just this inner dialogue,
i.e. the ability to think, to initiate a mission and to carry it out
was transferred to a dream.
How can one define one's psychotype? In no way. If such
questions arise, it means that a man did not structure his own
personality up to the end, it's better ask an expert in this case.
How can one define one's level of consciousness development?
Here the basic criterion is wheather a man inside can search for the
reason of all what's happening to him.
Also one of the main indicators of a personal strength level
and so a personality growth level is the ability to attract people
near. Not by force but voluntary. Earlier this indicator was called
"personal magnetism", i.e. the ability to draw people closer. The
mechanism of such magnetism is simple enough. If a person has got a lot
of personal strength or free energy which can be expressed in life
experience, care for other people, strategic knowledge, positive
emotions, money, he can easily share it with the people around. It is
that very magnet.
Searching for the ways of influence on the people around many
infant human beings, with personal strength indicator coming near zero,
start to practise household magic, witching and other primitive tricks,
thus trying to draw attention and to evoke respect.
On the other hand, it' quite easy to understand them, the
infants are the most emotions-dependent on the people around, and
whatever their calendar age: children, adults, old men - all they
demand attention to their personality as much as possible.
Communication for the sake of communication, search for truth for the
sake of dispute, intrigue, slander - these are the infant tricks to
draw people's attention to them.
The infants cannot basically understand what means to have
abundance of personal strength, a lot of free energy and that's why
they treat such people with suspicion. It's quite clear what is high
life tone but not what personal strength is... Naturally, they can
assume only one thing - those people have mastered successfully black
magic tricks and zombi practice, and use them with sordid motives.
Theoretically, the infants certainly know about the rules and
norms of living together, about compassion for all living beings, about
mutual aid, neighbour charity, etc. but they haven't yet passed a
certain way to become like those people, and so they cannot imagine a
picture of the world, in which more mature being live. And that's why
they even can't think of possible existence of such people. From their
position such statement as "He's like me but he has got everything but
I have anything" is quite fair.
It is easier to understand all processes of personality growth
as analogy to the processes of computer evolution which is taking place
right before our eyes.
All of us know that 286 computers cannot decode MPEG-4disks.
At the same time Pentium-3 can already do it. Once the construction of
286-model we considered to be the highest achievement. If we imagine
that there's 286-model somewhere and one has suddenly inserted a MPEG-4
disk or DVD into it for reading, this will be for it not only an
incomprehensible secret knowledge but first it will assume that the
disk is blank.
If we imagine that 286-model observes Pentium it can never
understand how Pentium, having the same form, is capable of such
mystirious actions.
This is a good example for understanding a difference between
an infant and a mature personality. An infant man just doesn't
understand a mature one - many things are simply outside of his
You may notice that the standard reaction of an average
ordinary man talking to a spiritual man is the sentiment of pity. But
pity arises intuitively, without any logic. Let's try to understand the
reasons of it.
An average Russian spiritual man is an infant being who has
broken off the connection with his egregor because of his ideological
reasons. After reading esoteric books, this man with an initial level
of personal strength claims his self-sufficiency and tries to behave as
an enlighted person but he doesn't understand neither himself, nor the
people around. On a greater scale it happens because of one simple
reason - Russians don't like to be united in Russia as well as in any
other country where they move to. This is why Russians differ from
other nations. It's easy to understand this position of a Russian man
if you remember the Russian history. For some centuries the Russian
people were forced compulsively to be united, and any union meant for a
single person a lot of duties but very few rights: bondage, peasant
community, USSR, living in hostels, etc.
In the contemporary historical period we have just the
aftereffect and answer-back protest reaction of an ordinary Russian man
to that violence. I want to be free is a motto of Russians. But nobody
knows what that freedom means.
And our ordinary Russian spiritual man makes his choice as
though it is unconscious protest to totalitarianism of the previous
historical period, to authoritarianism in families: to become a free
single person. Esoterics helps him very much to work that way. Esoteric
books which are now available, promise supernatural power with a
minimum of efforts. One doesn't need to work, to set the relationship
with the people around, and this is quite all right because the
interaction with people is often painful for ego. One must only
meditate a lot and practise various rituals.
When such people lose contact with their egregor, they make
really a poor impression. They usually cannot realize practically even
that thing what they have planned because of lack of energy which an
infant personality usually tgets from the society. Soon such people
become very unhappy an they don't even notice that, they put on a brave
face and continue to prove to themselves and to the outer world the
correctness of the chosen way.
In the mature economies the amount of the infants is not less
than in our country. The difference is all infant part of the
population is under protection and care of the State there. That's why
nobody thinks of cutting a naval-string voluntary connecting them to
the society, i.e. before they get enough personal strength from
interpersonal interaction in social environment.
As a matter of fact, infant spiritual seekers are the most
deformed humans. They are the people who have voluntary left the womb -
the society because of some far-fetched ideas, though they are
uprepared to live independently. They are the victim of
"self-abortion", and for this reason they arouse in a normal person
sentiment of pity and only that.
Where's the solution? People doesn't trust in the State and as
consequence in each other. Therefore, there may be some egregor
connections but they are very slack. Everyone prefers to live in his
small world, to practise some small rituals, to protect his small ego
and to believe in bright future without noticing the dullness of the
present time and the old age approaching.
May be it's better to see principles and to understand that
only together, trusting in each other we can to build not only the
strong State but also to give ourselves a chance of real spiritual
As it's well-known, a personality is an membrane necessary for
the communications among the people, and it's characterized by the
ability of interaction. The interaction with each other allows us to
survive and gives energy. Hence, the stronger a personality is, the
more people are interested in the interaction with such personality.
You may be a great scientist, a digester in any area, even in
the area of human interrelations, you may have extensive correspondence
and virtual friends,but if you have no real devoted friends near who
have been proved by time, which are close to you not because of your
job but because of something else, and you're over 30 then you should
think whether you got stuck at an infant level?
One's success in business, in social life is determined by
one's abiluity to understand oneself, and as the consequence to
understand other people.
Why are there a lot of spiritual seekers in our country? It's
very clear. As Podvodny says, the infant level is very similar to the
realized one (integrated). And many seekers begin to identify
themselves with the enlighted by outward attributes.
An infant man who ceased to develop should compensate all time
his sensation of being not free, his dependence on egregor, on opinion
of the people around and everyone does this in one's own way. And
spiritual seeking is very often an excuse for their level. If teachings
tell us about a realized personality who needs nothing any more, a man
is not attached to anything: money, family, religion, country, etc.
Then an infant seeker feels it's right what he is, and starts being a
guru (he teaches others).
By the way, now you can define at what stage a man becomes
superstitious, what religion is most suitable for this or that
personality development level, at what stage a man ceases to be
religious, and why it is essentially impossible to unite all the

Personality transitions
Why are there a lot of spiritual seekers who haven't yet
reached the age og 30 at the infant level? Because at this level their
self-importance and pressure of inner dialogue are not yet so strong
and they allow them to let in such books as The Seagull Named... and
Illusion of R.Bah, and other books full of emotions by Osho, Castaneda,
etc. At this age a man still has a lot of his own deep experiencings,
and the outer world hasn't yet squeezed him).
I know many young people, which feel deeply. They reason just
like the enlighted, and overreact to events in the world, they
empathize and perceive any injustice with pain.
And at the same time the level of their personal strength is
near to zero. They are vulnerable, sensitive, judgemental. As they have
no personal experience, they change their point of view with ease. They
can be easily drawn to any direction by emotional persuasions.
How do they perform the transitions from one level to another
on a scale of personality growth?
The outer situation and the level of inward potential forces
us to develop. If a man ceases to counterbalance the pressure from the
outside with the pressure from within, he starts to be irritated, to
condemn, he doesn't take situations, we can say that he has reached his
limit and his development has stopped there. A man stays at this level
very often up to the end of his life.
The majority of people get stuck at the infant level. Here
works the same law as with other things: most living beings are at the
low power level (infant) and few are at the high level (integrated)
since it is difficult to reach the last one.
Most people who want to help the world, to teach other people
clever things are just at the infant level. They have still illusions
about their own uniqueness and that their help is necessary for
someone. As man advances further on the steps of personality growth he
has less such illusions. A person who achieved the level of the
integrated personality already understands that if he has a chance to
find at least one follower, which can learn, which can understand him
and will be grateful for that - that's a real good luck.
The infant personality thinks that to block energy outflow, to
cease to be irritated, to envy, to be jealous, to compete - all these
things are possible by act of will or by tracing the displays of it
within. But this cannot be fulfiled without understanding and complete
view of a certain situation.
First of all, it is necessary to understand oneself and one's
place on a scale of personality growth and to accept this rule as an
A less advanced individual can never understand and take a
more advanced one and, vice versa, a more advanced individaul easily
understands and accepts a less advanced one.
So, the youthful person is usually irritated by a mature and
integrated persons and, at the same time, an infant person touches him
or causes indulgent reaction in him.
An infant person is usually irritated by all people but at the
same time they love and understand animals and children very much,
since only animals and children do not cause strain in him.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand that the struggle
against negative emotions cannot lead to anywhere but to cancer
diseases. Negative emotions in any situation are the reaction to
pressure, and the pressure should be counterbalanced by understanding,
the understanding allows to pass to the next personality level. That's
why there can be no personality growth in a cave. Personality growth
always takes place among the people, in the thick of things, through
sweat, pain, tears, through movement to some objective, through
personality treachery and love, fear and doubts, pleasure of success
and pain of defeat, death of relatives and education of children. The
period of army service is so important for men for their personality
formation, as birth and upbringing of a child for women.
Only during the upgrowing process and understanding there
arise less number of the claims to people, less number of attempts to
change and to teach them.
And when an individual gets higher on the steps of personality
growth, he has less number of negative emotions, which he need to
struggle against. We all know that after understanding the cause, we
needn't to struggle against numerous effects.
It is necessary to understand the truth:
God created a man like what he is but I don't take him as he
is, it means I put myself above God, i.e. God was wrong when he created
such a man. Isn't this self-conceit too great?

Order and Disorder
Putting the world in order which is around you it is a necessary
condition of energy transitions. It is Utopia to have desire to jump
out of chaos of the previous existence into another world with large
amount of energy level.
Let's begin with a small thing. Let's put our houses in order.
Everyone feels a difference between things when everything is in its
place in the room, when there is no dust, dirt and when there's buggers
muddle everywhere. What's the difference?
Order is a possibility and open space. Everyone feels that.
Disorder is an impossibility and powerlessness.
You may have noticed the room repair and its reorganization is
usually done by those people who support the order in their houses
initially. And vice versa, those who have always disorder and chaos, do
not usually change anything in their apartments and live without
repairs for long time. Certainly, you must at first to create chaos to
repair it, you must tear off wallpaper or break a wall. And you cannot
do without it, and if the reorganization is very cardinal, you have to
create great chaos and to live in it for a while. It is always
necessary to say good-bye to the old to create something new.
What do I describe here copybook maxims for? As usually, in
order to emphasize principles.
Many people do not often notice or try not to notice in their
spiritual seekings that they live in outer disorder, justifying it by
insignificancy of all outer things in relation to the Great where they
appear to go. It would seem all logically. But there is still "but" …
this "but" is from the position of the Great. Since you haven't made
your way there, since you yourself didn't become the Great, it's a trap
to speak about insignificancy of everything what is out and nearby.
It's all the same like if you convince a child that to play in a
sandbox is insignificant in relation to adult life. On the other hand,
imagine a very clever, unusually forward, five-year-old gig-lamped boy,
who liked this theory and threw all his toys away and now he's waiting
for adult life while meditating. It's absurd! There can be nothing
insignificant in all that surround you. Everhything matters and all
these are the steps, on which you put your feet moving upwards. Once
you describe the current step as insignificant for you, you lose its
support and remain on the previous one.
For putting the step you are on in order it is necessary to
start with awareness of the current moment. It's necessary to summarize
the expirienced, to state the value of your capabilities, the speed of
progress, to look into mistakes and to understand them, in short,
really to see the situation. What's the main thing, as in everything
else is not to deceive yourself.
Usually the disorder in your outer life means the disorder in
your consciousness. We'll not speak now about the Great Teachers, who
can stay in the high state of consciousness sitting on a heap of
Putting the previous level in order enables you to transit to
the next level.
The ability to capture with one's attention a part of space in
which one lives and, as a consequence to support and to develop this
part up to a level of redundancy will become the indicator the ability
to extend one's perception and possibility of energy transition. The
end becomes the means.

Key Moment of Stalking
Let's now analize the mechanism of understanding and misunderstanding
of people by each other. Whatever development level we have, all of us
come across a problem of misunderstanding and treachery. It's natural
for more advanced people to suffer more from it. Let's take a typical
situation: they do not understand you and describe your actions through
motivations of a lower level.
For example: you give a present to your friend or girlfriend
with all your heart, you part with the thing which is very dear to you
and you wait for a grateful reaction. Some time later you find out that
this person has taken the present as an excuse in a "gloucestershire
kindness" style.
In other words, this person judges it according to his level
and knows that he would never give a necessary thing to another person,
he assumes that you acted the same way and therefore he doesn't feel
very happy.
Another situation, you've been slandered. Words sustitute for
actions in Russia, as well as in any other country of hawkish
(prevailing) infantilism. If you start to prove your high ideas to a
less advanced man but he does not delieve you and describes it from a
completely different position. Before you start proving that you're
right, have a look and guage your opponent closely. He may be unable to
understand you basically.
As we mentioned before (the theory of evolution), each system
seeks balance. Misunderstanding is pressure. Any ordinary man (not
warrior), seeks balance with the minimal expenses and chooses to
describe a situation so that he could to find balance quickly and
easily and to calm down without effort. It is necessary to work to
accept your position, it's necessary to try to understand and maybe to
start doubting your ideas. Therefore, the first variant is naturally
chosen. That's why it's very easy to lead infant masses of people to
robbery and destructions, because it's easy and available to
understanding. Such words as - "steal and you'll grow rich", "steal the
loot ", "he gives me this thing, because he doesn't need it", "he
looked at me so, as though he wanted to rape me", "he has got a lot of
friends - probably he is a sactary".
Illogically why does an infant being choose to believe a
slander and words of another infant being inspite of obvious facts and,
at the same time, he doesn't notice or ignore facts, actions and
explanation of more advanced people even if they are going to support
and to help him?
What is obvious for an advanced man it is strange and unclear
thing for an infant one. Why don't we love rich or successful people in
Russia? The typical Russian saying says: "I don't care whether I have
anything, I wish you had nothing". This Russian wisdom will be never
understood in the West. Why is Russia named as a soviet (soviet is
advice in English) country ? Because the magority of the people are
engaged in giving advice to each other but in fact they do nothing.
Words substitute for actions. Therefore. while an advanced man does
something and gets energy from it, an infant man describes all this
from his condemning position and gets energy from that.
Here's a typical set of actions of an advanced person and
their description by infant persons.
He has got a lot of friends - it's strange, it means he's a
He doesn't drink and he doesn't smoke - he's either ill, or a
He's rich - he has stolen a lot of things somewhere.
He's smart - he's probably Jew.
He goes without food - he's either mad or he's paid for it.
He doesn't help me - he's a selfish person, he browned off.
He helps - he wants to assert himself, to show himself off.
He moved from a city to the country - he hides from someone.
If a religious explanation is not clearly - it means it's
He touched my hand - he's a sexual deviant.
He doesn't pay attention - he's an impotent, etc.
A typical mistake of the more advanced people is their
attempts to prove themselves and to put themselves right with beings
who have a lower consciousness level. The knowledge that the people
with different consciousness levels live in different parallel worlds
gives a man freedom and he doesn't worry about misunderstanding, he
doesn't waste energy for explanations, he doesn't suffer from his own
ego problem asking himself "Why does misunderstanding still bother me?"
and "How should I take people as they are?"
But to make this knowledge his power, it is necessary to get
one's body impregnated by it. And it will happen only when there is
enough experience of conscious tracing of reactions in such cases.
What we speak about is a key moment stalking in fact. Only
through identifying and taking oneself in one's place, one can
understand and take others in their places and what they are.
Similar situations happen not only to certain people but also
to completely different social structures. We can take the situation in
Northern and Southern Korea as an example of such misunderstanding at
the level of countries.
The vivid example how a less advanced system perceives a more
advanced system is the antagonism between Northern and Southern Korea
during 60 years. In this case the population of Northern Korea is a
system which is at infant level of consciousness development, where
each individual realizes himself only as a part common body of the
totaliterian state but not as a self-sufficient individual. Each part
thinks how it was taught, sees how it was told. No facts can shake the
absolute trust of northern Koreans in rightness of their ideas and life
norms in their State, led by Kim Chen Irr - the have 5 dollars per one
month salary, 4 years of starvation that killed 2 million people, the
necessity to serve in the Army without the right to marry for 10 years
(from 17 till 27 years), etc. Even the round-the-clock radio
propagation transmited from the country which reached 13 place in the
list of the richest countries in the world, Southern Korea cannot
influence the infant consciousness at all: in spite of the facts the
infant beings simply cannot perceive anything more advanced than they
are. Instead of the facts there is a rigid description of socialism as
a good factor and capitalism as a bad thing which should be destroyed.
Northern Korea is engaged only in one thing - the preparation for war
with Southern Korea taking place at the higher but unclear level of
In the past and in the present of our country we can also find
a lot of similar examples.

A Trap for Mature Personality
It's very difficultly, practically impossible for an person of the
infant or teenage or youthful personality level to admit the displays
of one's own envy. Here we don't set ourselves the task to teach
someone to notice similar displays in oneself, it's also impossible.
The site is for the people of the mature level. And mature persons got
used to trace down only themselves so much that it becomes already
dangerous for their own lives.
How is this danger displayed? The danger is displayed in the
idealization of people, in the unconscious assumption that all people
around are at the same level and that's why there's excessive trust.
It's followed by disappointment, then self-condemnation. But what's the
worst thing they don't draw the right conclusions, and therefore the
situations are repeated.
There's one way out for a mature person - he must begin to
draw his attention outwards, to others. It is necessary to learn how to
gauge the people around in a right manner. A mature person has already
learned and has got used to not condemn people a long time ago.
How is the envy of the people around shown? The simple and
obvious indicator for envy will be their "absolute indifference", i.e.
your opponent tries diligently not to notice your success, your things,
ideas, your significant deeds or your well-being, he doesn't notice a
thing, which it is impossible not to notice.
A mature man will show his interest in a situation like this,
he will ask you how you have achieved all that. Or just, he'll ask
"How's that?", seeking his own benefit and adopting experience. An
infant one will push out from consciousness all he has seen or heard
and will try not to notice it sincerely. You ought be afraid of such
people. If a mature person has some business together with such a man,
it will fail for sure.
Another, more subtle form of envy display is imitation of the
mature approach. The opponent seems very interested in your success but
only in order to crush your success and achievements at a certain
moment describing them, figuratively speaking, as devil intrigues.
The idealism of a mature man forces him to make the same
mistake several times - to trust a person without defining his
personality level. When the amount of mistakes reaches a critical level
and the man is still alive, then he makes an absurd but logically
justified decision - not to trust anyone. But this will mean signing
his own death-warrant, a final stop of development. It is this very
trap for a mature person.
How not to get into this trap? First of all, gather one's
strength and make reconsideration of this life period. Write out on a
piece of paper all people, owing to which you failed, and after
structuring your experience find the main mistake that were made
repeatedly. Probably, as a result you won't get stuck in it and
continue your development.
The people living in Russia have the advantage over the people
of the European and other advanced countries. Think, what kind of inner
development it is, if the society brings up the growing up generation
from bottles accoding to the principle: Live and let live, i.e.
live and do not come between the bark and the tree, or one more motto
with which all Americans grew up: "I disagree with you but I am
ready to die for your right to have your own opinion". How can one
develop in the country where the people do not understand what it is
said about at all, when a Russian visiter begins to condemn someone.
How can one develop in the country where there are no fences? Why to go
far? Recently, in August 2003, a part of USA was left without electric
power. There were 50 million people left without electricity for two
days. And what do you think? There were only eight robberies during
this time.
The quotation from the newspaper New Newspaper,
¹60, 17- 20 August. 2003. The article America is in darkness:
… the lifts in skyscrapers stopped - there were hundreds of people
stuck in them; the underground stopped and thousands of people found
themselves locked in stuffy carload boxes and black tunnels, thousands
of companies remained without electronic locks; friges began to flow
with water, the water pumps stopped, … in brief, the life to wahich
these fifty million people got used to live stopped, and something
different came - the time, which could and logically must become the
time of chaos, especially when the darkness covered the cities.
It didn't happen. This is a nation of individuals,
rationalists and pragmatists weaved from various of religions,
nationalities and races. The nation of sharks of capitalism and hard
cash ethics, it showed - it wasn't just for the first time! - that it
has rather high percentage of human in it. I take my hat off …
… New York was once far from being always so human: in 1977,
when the lights went out the same way, the night of darkness became the
night of robberies - when more than 3,500 people were arrested.
However, it appeared that people are capable of learning to be humans.
What was demonstrated two years ago and is demonstrated now.
I take my hat off to them: the nation which can act LIKE THIS
in days of tragedies and industrial accidents, is a really great nation.
Euguine Albatz - specially for New Newspaper, New York.
How can one develop in the country where nobody interferes
with your life by suspicions, teachings, by crave for restoration of
"the social justice", in the country where everyone respects your right
to private life, property and opinion.
So, for those who wants to continue their development it is
necessary urgently to move to Russia. Only in the country which motto
is: "I don't care whether I have anything, I wish you had nothing", the
most favourable conditions for internal growth are created.

What is happiness
It's strange enough that people usually cannot give a clear
answer to this question. Though the answer is in the word itself: hap-pen-
happiness - living in the now, in the moment. When do we manage to
live in the now? At the moment of the maximal attention concentration.
The higher the development level of a person is, the more often such
moments occur, since the level of self-attentiveness is higher, and
attentiveness to the world and this person is more happy.
And vice versa, if the development level is lower, it's harder
acheive the state of full living in the moment.
Why are infant persons hard up most of all? The fact is that
orgasm is nearly almost the only way for them to feel "here and now" -
a taste of living in a given moment. At that time their inner dialogue
is switched off, at least for some seconds, and the whole body is
penetrated with the sensation of unity with a partner and with
An integrated personality percieves himself as a part of the
world, feels unity with the world for most of the time, that's why he
hasn't got such anxiety at this level of personality development, since
similar orgasmic sensations of unity occur constantly in relation to
all visible world. Thus, a sex problem is practically leveled down.

Dao of a Leader
Traditionally the stages, which everyone who became a Leader goes
through can be described like these:
1. Search for sense of life.
2. Search for a Teacher.
3. Work over oneself.
4. Coming of diciples.
5. Pssing knowledge over to the diciples.
6. Old age and death.
The strange tendency can be traced in Russian sanyasi.
We'll call as leaders those advanced people who have a group of
diciples or followers. All leaders become isolated in their groups and
communicate only to the ones who can listen them. For some reason
there's no orientation on the search for more advanced or at least
equal leaders with the purpose of cooperation with them. Though many
leaders describe their Way as full of efforts of searching for teachers
and also effort in working over themselves. The most interesting thing
is that no Leader has an idea of that at least.
Let's analyse whether there's any self-deception somewhere
The leader who has stopped to look for a Teacher or an equal
leader, is in a energy trap. The energy which the leader gets from his
diciples or followers,
catches the Leader so that he does not notice how he becomes
totally dependent on this energy and stops his own development. On my
observation the leaders of the infant, teenage and youthful level get
in this trap more often.
If you're a Leader you may check whether you have got in this
trap by answering a some simple questions:
- Can you admit the advantage and strength of other leaders?
- Did you try to set cooperation with other Leaders?
- Do you feel insulted or happy if your diciple goes to
another Leader?
- Are you ready to get under the influence of another leader
if you feel his superiority?
- Do you read other Leaders' sites or books? And if you read,
do you fee emulation?
- Do you explain your leadership by standard phrases like: "I
don't seek this", "The people make me an idol", "I learn through
teaching others", "this is the way I overwatch myself"? Or, even
simplier - "I've achieved something in this life, now I can teach
others. This is the way I earn my living. My Teacher is not shown in
this world. I've got a connection with the Spirit, I don't need a
- Do you practise in your life the periods of longterm
loneliness or touch isolation?
Usually a Leader doesn't even care about cooperation with
other Leaders for several reasons - the fear of losing his diciples,
the fear of realizing that you're on the wrong way or full satisfaction
with the achieved. There are no other reasons. The State chiefs do not
have such problems and they are usually interested in cooperation.
If a leader goes on developing, he is aware that any
developing man, including himself, should be on a hierarchical
structure, where he teaches someone and where someone teaches him. And
this ladder leads to the infinity.
Certainly, at the first step, when there come first diciples,
a Leader who's not yet developed as a Leader, is interested in
developing his skills and usually has a Teacher. At the level of steady
leadership it is much more difficult to find a Teacher.
Certainly, if one has high development level, it's very
difficult for him to find someone similar to him. But this is a point
of view of the lower levels. Actually, if one has higher development
level he has more personal strength, and, therefore, it's easier for
him to find someone similar to him, or at least it's no more difficult.
The question arises, why it is not done? They explain it more often
that everyone goes his own way and so it's difficult to find something
in common.
Let's find analogy again. The period of prenatal embryonic
development undergoes a rigid program. Any deviation is pregnant with
either miscarriages or ugliness. An embryo does not choose whether to
become a dinosaur or a dolphin or a monkey.
The personality growth must also go according to a certain
pattern during the period of social development. When it's broken
people either becom monsters or die. So, if a Leader defends his unique
Way, considering it the most right, usually it is a special case when
this leader gets energy.
If two spiritual leaders cannot find things in common for
cooperation, it means one of them lies that he's developing. And it can
be so that both of them lie.
One may set a question - whether I consider my 5-th way the
most right? The answer is, - yes, I think so because the 5-th way is
not a way in fact but a set of principles and laws of personality
formation in parent social system thrpugh applying which in life
everyone can find one's OWN way.
